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非独肺也-。Non-alone lung also -.

这个许可证既是非独家、又是不可转让的。The license is both nonexclusive and nontransferable.

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非独贤者有是心也,人皆有之,贤者能勿丧耳。There is a non-exclusive Sage heart is in everyone's, Sage can not to mourning ear.

本公司确认本协议及其诠释均受香港法律管辖,协议各方在此承认香港法庭之非独有审判权。Of Hong Kong and agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

⊙、世间一切乃众缘合和,众力所成,非独一人所能,是故当怀感恩之心。Everything is the fate and, by the force, not exclusively, one person can is when his gratitude.

本协议及其诠释均受香港法律管辖,协议各方在此承认香港法庭之非独有审判权。The parties hereto agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

中国实际上没有宗教的,此可概括其全人口,非独其社会上层为然也。China is practically destitute of religion, not only in the upper classes, but throughout the population.

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风险管理流程应该成为部分而非独立于组织的流程。The risk management process should become part of, and not separate from, those organizational processes.

痹证病因非独感风寒湿热等外邪所致,肝郁也可致痹。Not only the evils of wind, cold, dampness and heat, but also depression of gan-qi can result in bi-zheng.

并且这份协议是非独家的,也就是说雅虎可以投放他自己的广告或者其他公司或组织的广告。The agreement is non-exclusive, which means that Yahoo! may display its own ads or ads from other parties as well.

她们也建议让政府拥有更多权力,强制以合理的价格进行非独家的专利授权。They also recommend facilitating the government's ability to mandate the nonexclusive licensing of a patent at reasonable rates.

供应商在此指定经销商为在定义区域内非独占经销商,经销商接受指定。Supplier hereby appoints Distributor as Supplier's nonexclusive distributor of Products in the Territory, and Distributor accepts that position.

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在此基础上分析了非独立式和连通式油气悬挂系统的刚度特性及其对车辆侧倾特性的影响。On its basis, the stiffness characteristics of the dependent and linked HPSs were analyzed, and their effects on the vehicle rolling characteristic were presented.

“已用非独占”值包括直接执行函数代码所用的间隔和执行目标函数的子函数所用的间隔。Elapsed Exclusive values include the intervals that were spent directly executing the function code, regardless of whether an operating system event occurred in the interval.

甲方授予乙方非独占权免费使用该等知识产权,仅仅是为了乙方履行本协议项下的服务。Party A grants Party B a non-exclusive right to use such intellectual property rights free of charge solely for the performance by Party B of the Service under this Agreement.

对视听资料的法律地位一直存在“独立论”与“非独立论”之争。There has always been a dispute between two opinions of regarding audio-visual evidence as "an independent category of evidence" and as "a non-independent category of evidence".

“独立论”与“非独立论”之争可转换为视听资料应否归入书证的问题。The dispute between "independent category" and "non-independent category" can be thought to be a question of whether audio-visual materials can be classified into documentary evidence.

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在合同有效期内,如果许可方对本专有技术有所改进,许可方应免费将该改进许可被许可方非独占性使用。Should any Improvement be made by Licensor on Know-how within the validity period of Contract, Licensor shall grant Licensee a non-exclusive license to exploit such Improvement free of charge.

本文认为,汉阙非独为汉代建筑艺术的形式,更重要的还在于,它是早期道教所追求的仙界的象征符号和人仙两界交通的神学媒介。This paper holds that the Que is not only a kind of art of the time, but also a symbolic intermediary between the human world and the immortal one which the early Taoists want to enter eagerly.

非独立个人劳务所得包括适用税收协定一般非独立个人劳务条款和表演家、运动员等特殊条款的非独立个人劳务所得。Dependent personal service income includes the service income stipulated both in the Dependent Personal Services Articles or income from Employment and other articles such as Artistes and Sportsmen.