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亚历山大王,东征印地Young Alexander conquered India.

从这个角度说,十字军东征不仅仅是古代史。They are not just ancient history.

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十字军东征给中东留下了不可磨灭的印象。The crusades have left a deep mark on the Middle East.

由于这些国家受到威胁,导致后来教宗又发起几次十字军东征。Threats to the states led the pope to call for future crusades.

今天他们对西方的不信任,十字军东征扮演了重要的角色。The crusades play their part in its lively distrust of the West today.

让我们投入一场神圣的战争——一场为主而重获圣地的伟大的十字军东征吧!Let us put a holy war-a Lord of the holy land of great regain Crusades!

我同样会展示十字军东征和圣战的风险和回报的细节。I'll also look in detail at the risks and rewards of crusades and jihads.

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公元1099年,第一次十字军东征到达了其血腥的顶峰。It is the year 1099 and the first Crusade is building to its bloody climax.

部分群众啜泣着高喊口号,将她们的遭遇同十字军东征相比。Some sobbed as they chanted slogans comparing their struggle to the Crusades.

主要描绘了成吉思汗出生、遇难、西征、东征、统一蒙古各部等重大事件。Mainly described genghis khan was born, died, the land, the Mongol feudals, major events.

他们冲破穆斯林人的防线,发动了一系列的战争,人们称之为十字军东征。They broke through the Moslem defenses and began a long series of wars called the Crusades.

在第四次十字军东征时,威尼斯人占领了君士坦丁堡,并拥立另一支的拉丁皇帝。In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors.

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第五次十字军东征于1218年起航向埃及进发,占领了达米埃塔,希望以此来交换耶路撒冷。The Fifth Crusade sailed for Egypt in 1218, and besieged Damietta, hoping to exchange it for jerusalem.

很长时间之后,丝绸生产技术随着十字军东征开始向整个西欧传播。Much later, following the Crusades, techniques of silk production began to spread across Western Europe.

国王在第二次东征前任命苏杰摄政和负责政府。When the king left on the Second Crusade he appointed Suger regent and left him in charge of the government.

而事实是,理查德他自己在领导十字军东征的繁忙一生中,仅仅在英格兰停留了6个月。In fact, Richard himself only spent about 6 months in England as he was so busy traveling on crusader business.

恺撒大帝的一生,东征西伐了整个欧洲到最后惨遭暗杀的简史。Julius Caesar's life, conquests throughout Europe with glorious victory but end-up with a tragic assassination.

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原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的赛马场中偷出来的。The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade.

原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的马车竞技场中偷出来的。The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade.

耶路撒冷,公元1190年,第三次十字军东征的中十字军和撒拉逊人撕裂了中东。Jerusalem, 1190 A. D. The Third Crusade between the Crusaders and the Saracens is tearing the Middle East apart.