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他逼视着我,眼睛睁得大大的。He stared at me, his eyes widening.

斯利姆逼视乔治,并且朝他身后望去。Slim looked through George and beyond him.

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小偷在警察的逼视下显得惶恐不安。The thief withered under the stare of the policeman.

他抬起双眼,跟那座逼视着的挂钟打了个照面。He raised his eyes and met the stare of a bilious clock.

侦探面对约翰坐下,犀利的目光逼视着这个年轻人。The detective sat down facing john, his eyes impaling the young man.

我再也无法平静,眼睛喷了火,逼视着他。I could not hold my calmness any more and shouted at him irritatingly.

麦肯。他十分勇敢并竭尽全力。静静地站着,没有避开对方的逼视。MACON. A brave man doing his best, he stands still and does not look away.

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那道裂隙改变了,从无可逼视的彩色变成了难以形容的墨黑,然后,裂隙撞上了这个星球。The rift changes, from colors impossible to describe to inky black, and it strikes the planet.

他仰卧着,牙关紧咬,右拳紧紧握放在胸前,愤怒的眼睛向上逼视着。He lay on his back, his teeth set, his right hand clenched on his breast and his glaring eyes looking straight upward.

她那愤怒的心情忽然消逝了,一双焦虑不安的,央求的眼睛带着迫切期待的目光逼视着他。All irritation had instantly vanished from her face, and her uneasy and imploring eyes were fastened upon him in greedy expectation.

由于电视民生新闻的拟剧化和表演性,就出现了媒体逼视、节目的平庸化以及真实性危机等等各种问题。Because of the dramatization and performativity of TV civil news, the problems of media imposition, plainness and truth crisis come into being.

在我祖母含泪的眼神逼视下,我父亲和我的叔叔们没有把他们所有的遗产都挥霍掉——就是没有把所有的房子都卖掉。Under my grandmother’s tearful gaze, my father and my uncles hadn’t yet managed to squander their entire inheritance—not all of the apartments had been sold.

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在奶奶逼视下,娘突然有个很奇怪的举动,她将碗中的饭分了一大半给另一只空碗,然后可怜巴巴地看着奶奶。Under grandmother's coercion, mother suddenly had a strange action. She put half a bowl of rice into another empty bowl, then looking grandmother with a poor look.

只有当你为其所诱,逼视画面的时候,才会发现你正面对着花团锦簇中的血腥,甚至那些血腥的伤口仍然漂亮好看!Only when you are attracted by the tableau to stare at it, can you find the bloodiness in the brilliant splendor. And even the bloody wounds, then, are still so attractive.

上海绿城玫瑰园大尺度的水系来串连各种别墅,来诠释这袭别墅领地不可逼视的从容和优雅气质。Shanghai Greentown Rose Garden use as much water system as possible to decorate different villas in the community. It shows the unique elegant and calm temperament of the villa community.