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新西兰圣诞同样因为炎热而别有风味。There is twice Christmas in a year in New Zealand.

过滤倒入杯子里,加冰块。就好啦!热饮也别有风味。Pour the tea into a cup, it could be serve hot too.

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这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产。These small spiced cakes are a peculiarity of the region.

没有了酒鬼,没有了喧嚣,但是别有风味。They share distinctive interest without drunkards and uproars.

但虽然苦,经过加工处理,食用则别有风味。Despite hardship, after processing, consumption is Bieweifengmei.

酒店里还有一家别有风味的亚洲式餐厅、舞厅、酒吧。The hotel also features an Asian restaurant and a bar with disco.

更多美味多汁的印度烤鸡和别有风味的的泥炭火炉烤的印度鸡,能让闻者垂延三尺!Even more delicious was the juicy meat and rich flavor of the murgh tandoori.

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大家喜爱将卤煮豆腐与火烧同吃,是一种别有风味的素食。We loved the Luzhu tofu and set fire to the same eating, is a tastefully vegetarian.

曾经做过对外汉语老师的我一定会尽心尽力的给你们带来别有风味的汉语课程。I have been a Chinese teacher for foreigners before I will give you fantastic classes!

喜欢奶酪的食客会在洋白菜卷中塞满了奶酪,别有风味。Cabbage rolls can also be stuffed with cheeses, and they are classically served in a sauce.

弯弯曲曲的小路往深处走,你会看见不同风格的房舍以及别有风味的窗棂。Following those zigzagging lanes, different houses with unique windows jumped into your eyes.

欣赏任何别有风味的创作与表达,但亦有自己的思考和判断。Appreciate creation which and expression any has a distinct flavor, but also has own ponder and the judgment.

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其色泽枣红,形状椭圆,肉烂胶粘,肥而不腻,瘦而不柴,香醇味美,别有风味。Claret its color, shape oval, meat rotten glue, fat but not greasy, thin rather than firewood, mellow taste from others.

瓜类蔬菜可凉拌,可清炒,还可做汤,也可与肉、鱼一起做菜,清脆爽口,别有风味。Gourd vegetable salad can be fried, but also soup, but also with meat, fish, cooking together, crisp and refreshing, tastefully.

噢,坐在长板凳上的那个留着长头发,穿着很怪的男人?你喜欢他的衣服,所以你认为他与众不同,别有风味。Well, look at that guy over there, sitting on the bench. The long hair and wild clothes. I really like his outfit, so I would call him a trip.

对于远在国外的游子们,虽然食物原料可以通过运输获得,但是如果食物没有做出家乡的味道,就少了家的感觉。某些特色美食只有在当地吃才别有风味。But while ingredients are easy to transport, feelings of home aren't. Nor are certain specialties that only taste their best in the place they were born.

噢,坐在长板凳上的那个留着长头发,穿着很怪的男人你喜欢他的衣服,所以你认为他与众不同,别有风味。对不起,偶可不欣赏。Well, look at that guy over there, sitting on the bench. The long hair and wild clothes. I really like his outfit, so I would call him a trip. But some people may not like this.

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反映出顺德人热爱自然、向往自然,善于利用自然界精萃融贯于生活中,创造出别有风味的园林生活。Shunde's people love nature, yearn towards nature, and make the most of the quintessences of the natural world in their life, so they have created a park life with a distinctive flavor.

而中卫的素杂烩很具它自己的特色,来过中卫并品尝过素杂烩的人无不称赞“物美价廉,特色鲜明,别有风味”。The defender of the prime chowder very its own characteristics, and have tasted in a centre back all who praised the "high quality and inexpensive, distinctive features, have a distinctive flavour".