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是的,对称。Right, it's symmetric.

我们需要对称。We need this symmetry.

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看到不对称了吗?You see the asymmetry?

风险是不对称的。The risk is asymmetric.

它是完全对称的。It's perfectly symmetric.

而且还显得非常对称It's also very symmetrical.

现在是对称的了。And, it's going to be symmetric.

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对称的男人围起来更好。And symmetrical men smell better.

因此这是一个非对称分子。So, it's a nonsymmetric molecule.

不对称即是对称的缺失。Asymmetry is the lack of symmetry.

前幅水平缝骨不对称。Front horizontal seam not leveled.

那我们就把这两个点对称过去So let's reflect these two points.

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在这里,我也将会谈一谈不对称的用法。We will also talk about asymmetry.

分歧、对称与模式。Bifurcation, symmetry and patterns.

每个人都可以看出这他们是对称的Can everyone see that is symmetric?

在横剖面上它看起来也是对称的。It also looks symmetrical in profile.

物理定律也可以是对称的。Physical laws, too, can be symmetric.

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而且非常对称。But, we also know that it's symmetric.

它非常的不对称,对不对,马库斯It's very asymmetrical, right? Marcus?

前置和后置条件应该是对称的。Pre- and post-conditions are symmetric.