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黑猩猩是杂食动物。Chimps are omnivorous10.

我希望他喜欢黑猩猩!I hope he likes chimpanzees!

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倭黑猩猩是猿的一种。The bonobo is a type of ape.

你不能伤害一只黑猩猩。You can't hurt a chimpanzee.

黑猩猩也有。Chimpanzees have them as well.

我在黑猩猩研究中融入了感情。I have mixed feelings on chimp studies.

她给这只老黑猩猩起名叫灰胡子大卫。She named the old chimp David Greybeard.

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黑猩猩是濒于灭种的动物。The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

黑猩猩和其他猿类这样走路,熊也是。Chimps and other apes do it, as do bears.

我知道,她观察和研究黑猩猩。Yes.she observes and studias chimpanzees.

他指出,黑猩猩具有工具的文化。He notes that chimpanzees have tool cultures.

黑猩猩不会饿死自己。Chimpanzees do not starve themselves to death.

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到现在为止,我们返回到黑猩猩-人类的问题上。So now we can return to the chimp-human question.

所有的猿类中最具攻击性的是倭黑猩猩。The most aggressive apes of all were the bonobos.

黑猩猩就是通过触摸对方的手互致问候的。Chimpanzees5 will touch hands to greet each other.

而在那个房间里有另一只黑猩猩。And in the other room another chimpanzee is placed.

黑猩猩和巴布诺猿猴也没有这个本事…Not even chimpanzees and Bonobos have this ability.

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乱搞是倭黑猩猩解决一切问题的灵丹妙药。Sex is the solution to all of the bonobos’ problems.

黑猩猩常常喜欢模仿人类的行为。The jocko often likes to imitate the human behavior.

当黑猩猩成为调酒师时,这就是你想要的!When chimps become bartenders, this is what you get!