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然而,研究人员认为不能那么快下定论。Well, the researchers say, not so fast.

她的书是论述密尔顿的定论性著作。Her book is the definitive works on Milton.

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但是对于人体的研究远未得到定论。Butthe body of research is far from conclusive.

当然,这得等到两大交易所联姻成功才能盖棺定论。That is, of course, if they ever get to the altar.

对此,此前的研究结果似乎已经给出不容置疑的定论。Previous research seemed to have settled any doubts.

我在昨天还是周一的时候,提到过他的第一个定论。I spoke a bit about the first one yesterday or Monday rather.

他说,我根本不确定,问题仍未定论。"I'm not convinced at all, " he says. "The issue remains open.

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木砚研究始于何时,没有定论,但以清代居多。Wood inkstone began to research, but not when, in qing dynasty.

保守派人士就此盖棺定论,一切都是民主本身的问题。Many conservatives concluded that democracy itself was at fault.

所以由此看来,我们可以说,目前这还没有定论So to that extent, I think we can say the jury may still be out.

“他知道人们会对他下什么样的定论,”她说。"He knew people would jump to conclusions about him, " she says.

然而,债券市场的效益到底有多高还很难下定论。It has been hard, though, to tell how efficient bond markets are.

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这一条教条定论是一个科学家能够任凭他自己接受的。This is one piece of dogmatism that a scientist can allow himself.

我认为毫无疑问,社会早已下过定论,谋杀就是谋杀。I think undoubtedly the way our society is shaped murder is murder.

当然,这样对其盖棺定论显得为时尚早。Still, it may be a little early to get out the coffin for Newsweek.

非命,是一种对命定论采取的否定态度。The theory of Anti-Fatalism is a negative attitude toward fatalism.

足球冠军赛的胜负,不到最后关头无法定论。The outcome of the soccer final was touch and go for the entire match.

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但是,hope140对于非营利领域可产生的更大影响力尚无定论。But the larger impact on the non-profit space has yet to be determined.

关于流感疫苗与格林-巴利综合征的数据尚未定论。The data on flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome are not conclusive.

很难定论究竟每英亩多少株树为最适密度。The optimum density is difficult to specify in terms of trees per acre.