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谁会在乎泥水池沼在想什么呢?So who cares what the bog thinks?

留与你双眼的是两潭幽深池沼...And it leaves two dark pools in your eyes.

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你知道你会有在池沼地的迷路的可能?Do you know that you run a risk of being lost in the marshes?

或者那是飞溅的眼泪?人类眼泪深不可测的池沼?Or is it the plashing of tears? the measureless waters of human tears?

池沼则“大多引用活水”,是因为活水才有生趣。Marsh is "most of the reference live water" is because the living water is interesting.

揭开看时,只见画着一株桂花,下面有一池沼,其中水涸泥干,莲枯藕败。This opened at a picture of fragrant osmanthus above withered lotus in a dried-up pond.

可是在南非沙漠这种尘多、干旱的多岩石地域,很难碰着池沼和湖泊。But in the dusty, dry areas of a rocky south African desert, bogs and lakes are hard to come by.

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一般而言,研究者经由过程研究诸如池沼和湖泊这类潮湿地域的沉积物来猜测古代的情形模式。Researchers typically study ancient environmental patterns by acquiring deposits from damp or wet areas like bogs and lakes.

六个探险船可载着乘客接近瀑布景点,邮轮携带的直升机也可带着乘客到偏远的池沼捕鱼或潜水。Six expedition vessels carry passengers up close to waterfalls and the onboard helicopter can take passengers to remote billabongs to fish or snorkel.

本文主要调查研究了凤城土门水库和辽阳汤河水库的池沼公鱼栖息活动及群体结构变化规律。This paper deals with the behaviors of pond smelt and the changes in its population structure in the Tumen Reservoir, Fengcheng, and the Tanghe Reservoir, Liaoyang.

以池沼公鱼、猪肉为主要原料,结合高温杀菌火腿肠的生产工艺,制成一种鱼肉复合型火腿肠。Taking pond smelt and pork as key raw, combining with the productive technology of high temperature sterilizing, makes a kind of fish-pork combination ham-intestines.