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这真是前所未闻的忠忱献身!Unheard-of devotion!

但献身精神是必不可少的。But dedication is a must.

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他献身于教育事业。He weds himself to education.

她献身科学。She dedicated her life to science.

在神秘中,献身于生之光明。Dedicate to light-life, in mystery.

我的每条血管为献身而跳动。Each vein of mine throbs with devotion.

他终身献身于和平事业。He gave his life to the cause of peace.

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忠实于科学,献身于健康!Dedicated to science! Devoted to health!

作为一个科学家,他献身于追求真理。As a scientist, he was dedicated to the truth.

你的孩子们怎么看你为其献身的东西?What do your kids see that you are committed to?

这位老教师献身于教育。The old teacher devoted all his life to teaching.

利俱吠陀也有一首独一无二献身于他的诗。A hymn is also dedicated to him alone in Rig Veda.

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许多教徒都愿为他们的信仰而献身。Many religious people would die for their beliefs.

他终生献身于革命事业中了。He devoted all his life to the revolutionary cause.

甘地把他全部生命献身于和平事业。Ghandi devoted his whole life to the cause of peace.

一旦发生紧急情况,我一定会为祖国献身的。I will offer myself to the state as emergency arise.

这个青年教师献身于盲人教育。The young teacher was devoted to teaching the blind.

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纯粹地献身于神是非常困难的。It is very difficult to have unalloyed devotion to God.

她是一位真正献身于工作的老师。She is one teacher who is really dedicates to her work.

战士们献身于保卫祖国。The soldiers are devoted to defending their motherland.