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乡亲父老,欢迎来到现实世界。Welcome to the real world, folks.

这是撒旦的计划,我亲爱的乡亲。This is Satan's design, my dear folks.

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我那雨中奔跑的乡亲哟My country folk that are running in the rain

于是,他请来乡亲邻居,铲脏土投入井里。He invited his neighbors to shovel dirt into the well.

但乡亲,不觉得这是一种原宝莱坞电影。But folks, don't think this is an original Bollywood flick.

上大学的人都希望得到乡亲的热情欢迎。The college man expected to get a warm welcome from the villagers.

我们自己的豪尔赫里巴斯参观了弗吉尼亚理工大学的乡亲来看看他们的机器人车。Our own Jorge Ribas visited the folks at Virginia Tech to check out their robotic car.

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但在我的故乡,大多数人的尊重和曹引以自豪的是他的同胞乡亲。But in my hometown, most people respect Cao and are proud of being his fellow townsmen.

从马祖的海岸,你其实看得见对面行走的乡亲。From the coast of Mazu, you can actually see the villager walking on the opposite side.

黄关两族的海外乡亲众多,主要分布在美国、加拿大、墨西哥和澳大利亚。A large number of the villagers emigrated to the United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia.

渞姺,莪们有年轻的城市绝对喜欢谁的固定齿轮脚踏车白色乡亲。First up, we have the younger urban white folks who absolutely love their fixed gear bicycles.

他的支持者中还包括了多数看着我长大的乡亲父老,我很难过,我的党及其进步事业竟在我面前分崩离析。And I was heartsick that my party and its progressive causes were disintegrating before my eyes.

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将有几个广告和第一次登录乡亲和未来的数项营销横幅。There will be few advertising and marketing banners for first time login folks and future log-ins.

他记得跟着担任宣教士的双亲,以及其他上百个乡亲一起,夹道欢迎女王的情景。He recalls going with his missionary parents to join hundreds of others who gathered to greet the queen.

乡亲民众们纷纷失去影踪的同时,青铜骑士轻声低语,将降临并惩罚恶人!The townsfolk hide away, whispering of the Bronze Horseman, who has come to pass judgment on the wicked!

我们询问了疗养院里上年纪的乡亲和老人,但没人记得”。We've been asking some of our elderly folks and people in the nursing home and nobody seems to remember.

然而程晓辉说,相当一部分学生却担心他们自己回去后,被乡亲询问是否找到工作。Yet Cheng said part of him was dreading his return. "For sure, they will ask me whether I have found a job."

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今天,越来越多的乡亲都取得更大的成功启发了生命的提升他们的思想。Today, more and more enlightened folks are achieving greater success in their lives by elevating their thoughts.

把物资扛上肩,乡亲合力将物资扛上车。Understanding the burden on their shoulders, the uniformed locals work together to load supplies onto the vehicle.

一踏上九岭村,慈济志工就赶紧到帐棚区,把免费提供热食的好消息告诉乡亲。Upon arriving in Jiuling Village, volunteers immediately set out to spread the news of free hot meals in tent areas.