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纵使细流常逶迤,也会平安归海洋。That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea.

河流形成新的河曲,在谷底逶迤流淌。The river forms new meanders that curve along the valley floor.

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五指山区遍布热带原始森林,层层叠叠,逶迤不尽。Mountain areas around the tropical forests, layer upon layer, not Weiyi.

逶迤的时光是一班倦惰的列车,而你的出现如信号灯骤然亮起。The winding time is a tired train . Your appear like a signal lamp light suddenly.

横层结构的龟纹石则沟壑纵横、逶迤连绵,意韵幽长。Horizontal layer structure of turtle grain stone, ravines crossbar, vistas of picturesque YouChang.

一幢幢的公寓在整个建筑复杂的外形里穿梭逶迤,这样公寓的地面设计便看上去荒诞不经。The apartments wander through the complexity of the building's form, so their floor plans look insane.

记忆的河流中,我是一条逶迤游动的鱼,用绝色的柔美呼唤亘古的诱惑……In the river of memories, I am a meandering fish summoning for ancient enticement with peerless beauty.

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一部分用太湖石叠成,流泉倒影,逶迤一角,是南派的石法。Part piled with rocks, reflection Water Flowing Down, stretches the iceberg in the Southern faction of the stone.

横亘于华北和华南间的逶迤的秦岭山脉是大熊猫最后的藏身地之一。The Qinling Mountains, rugged divide between northern and southern China, and one of the last retreats of the Giant Panda.

逶迤的山脉将淡蓝色的天穹弯成一个扇面,爱格蒙山高耸入云。The curving hills scalloped the edge of the light-blue sky Mount Egmont soared ten thousand feet, sloping into the clouds.

卡车司机加入了石油工人的罢工行列,在水泄不通的高速公路上逶迤而行,号称“蜗牛行动”。Lorry drivers have joined the striking oil workers, organising slow-moving convoys that block motorways, in what is known as "operation snail".

散点透视的应用是景象获得解放的技巧,地貌的延绵和山峦的逶迤突破了强制性边框。The application scatter perspective is techniques for liberation of scene. Stretches of land and mountain landscape break the mandatory border.

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坐上登山电车、电缆车和空中吊车登山,可以观赏逶迤的溪谷和优美的湖光山色,实在不可错过。Sit on the trolley, cable car and mountain climbing, can admire the crane of a border of beautiful lakes and mountains and valleys, do not miss.

郁郁葱葱的峰岭之间,一条碧澄的玉带逶迤而过,这是美丽的富春江。Above the Qiantang River, the picturesque Fuchun River stretches itself through the green and luxuriant hills and is said to resemble a clear jade ribbon.

电话线时而贴在地面上,时而离地不过四尺,逶迤地穿过四省,总长有七千英里。This line, sometimes lying on the ground, sometimes only four feet off it, swaying and dipping through four provinces, was in aggregate seven thousand miles long.

如果你有机会开车穿过那些绿油油农田中静谧、逶迤的山丘,也许你会看见驾着四轮马车大部分都穿着黑衣的一家人。If you have the opportunity to drive through the gentle, rolling hills amidst lush farmlands, perhaps you will see a horse and buggy driven by a family dressed mostly in black.

游瘦西湖,那潋滟的湖光,雅致的园林,浮动的山景,逶迤的长堤,飞舞的彩桥,五颜六色的花卉,无不引人入胜。Slender West Lake is attractive for its ripping lakes, tasteful gardens, picturesque hills, winding dikes, dancing colored Bridges as well as beautiful flowers of diverse colors.

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早晨下了雨,午后放晴,阳光明媚,逶迤伸展到远处威尔士腹地以及威尔士山脉巍峨群峰的景致,全部呈现在眼前。It rained in the morning, but the afternoon was clear and glorious and shining, with all distances revealed far into the heart of Wales and to the high ridges of the Welsh mountains.

公路通到了村口就戛然而止,接下去的是一条贯穿村子逶迤而上的狭窄石级,和村外的通京古道相连,绵绵延延,伸向了大山的更深处。The road to the village was halted, the next is a village on the narrow and winding through the steps, connecting Beijing Road and outside the village, rain delay, deeper into the mountains.