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盔甲去柱铁片散。Like to the armour's iron brace.

所以他用3条铁片捆住他的心。So he fastened three iron bands round his heart.

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它是从看守员的灯具上,掉下来的破铁片所制作而成的。It was made out of a broken piece which fell from the keeper's lamp.

如果是所造成的贫血,你也可能开始采取铁片。If it is caused by anaemia you might have to start taking iron tablets.

如果是日常生活中,我想我应该用砂纸或铁片擦除。If it is everyday life, I think I should use sandpaper or iron chip erase.

值得注意的是涂有该师临时师徽的铁片。Of interest is the plate upon which the divisional insignia has been painted.

他锤打着烧红的铁片,看样子是在做一把刀。He was hammering an burning red iron sheet. It seems that he was making a knife.

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能在很大程度上抑制对铁的反应,包括薄的铁片。It can suppress to a great extent to the hard response, including thin iron sheet.

他的心因悲伤而几乎迸裂,所以他用三条铁片捆住他的心。His heart almost burst with sorrow. So he fastened three iron bands around his heart.

不用说,只是把木头铁片集合起来,是不应该被称为是哲学器具的!Surely thought, and not a mere combination of wood, iron, etc. , ought to be called the instrument of philosophy!

目的建立分光光度法测定琥珀酸亚铁片中铁的含量的方法。Objective To establish a spectrophotometry method for determining the contents of ferrum in ferrous succinate tablets.

他们是用一把铁片磨成的“小刻刀”,将黄色的草纸刻成五颗五角星。They are ground into metal plates with a "small knife", will be carved into five yellow five-pointed star of toilet paper.

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只不过是风声萧萧,屋动窗摇,铁片碰撞房顶的咣当声和床铺簌簌作响的颤抖声。It is only the wind shaking the house, rattling the windows, banging a piece of iron on the roof and making her bed tremble.

萨瓦奇的护身甲是基于罗马盔甲设计的,薄薄的铁片之间互相滑动,便于做更大幅度的动作。Savage's body armor is based on Roman armor, with thin metal plates that slide over each other for a greater range of movement.

吉布提的穷人在城市外围的贫民窟中居住,他们的“房子”是用波纹状的铁片和其他废金属建造而成。Djibouti's poor take refuge in slums on the city outskirts, constructing shelters from corrugated iron and other scrap material.

日本人使用一片类似于老式烙铁的热铁片将羽茎内部的松软物质烧掉。The Japanese use a hot piece of iron like an old-fashioned soldering iron to burn away the fluffy material from inside the quill.

骑士自己声场他是越狱逃出的,用一块铁片在天花板上弄出洞,然后从屋顶翻出来。He claims to have escaped the Venetian prison by using a piece of metal to make a hole in the ceiling and climbing through the roof.

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书架由挂钩、托书臂、夹书簧片、压页装置及稳固铁片构成。The bookshelf is composed of a hook, a book supporting arm, a book clamping spring sheet, a page pressing device and a stable iron sheet.

主要产品有中空钉,束口钉,锰片,铁片,铁线方扣、拉心扣、圆圈等五金冲压件。The main products are hollow nails, I beam nails, metal, metal plates, wire, clasps, Rafah heart clasp, such as metal stamping parts circle.

拉其的主寺,却拉葛培林寺附近共有三座老旧的桥梁急需以铁片更新。There are three old wooden bridges that urgently need to be replaced with steel sheets near Chora Gephel Ling, the main monastery in Lapchi.