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香提醒人平和。Incense reminds one to be peaceful.

使得湖人平了太阳的战绩为西部最佳。It tied them with Phoenix for the best in the Western Conference.

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打电话之前,我们最好确定一下我们的人平价格。Before I ring, we'd better just make sure they're within the price range.

爱就是一杯酒,不同的人平品尝,就会有不同的风味。Love is a cup of wine tasting, different person, will have different flavors.

通往連接该地段第二层的行人天桥及行人平台的公共通道。Public passageway to the footbridges and pedestrian deck connected to Level 2 of the lot.

作为修行人平时应常观己过,时刻保持沉默。As a practitioner, one should always check up on one's own faults and keep silent all the time.

贷款由买房人平贷,贷款余额为46万,卖房人出银行贷款外还有个人借贷25万。Loans from the housing loans, the balance of loans 460 thousand, real people out of bank loans and personal loans 250 thousand.

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同时,改革主义者组成的新联合政府正乐观地谈论要在一个福利国家恢复北欧式的人人平权。Meanwhile a new reformist coalition government is optimistically talking about restoring Nordic egalitarian priorities within a strong welfare state.

其次阐明了四川国土资源人平数量小,利用低,结构不合理,地区差异大等不足之处。Secondly, it accounts for the shortcomings of the small quantity per capita, low utilization, irrational structure and great regional difference of the land resources in Sichuan.

虚拟人在我国工业、尤其是国防工业领域应用中面临的一个亟待解决的问题是需要具有自主知识产权的虚拟人平台及其应用软件。One problem, which should be solved peremptorily in the application of virtual human in the defense industry of our country, is to develop the kernel of the virtual human software.

今年这种情况,农民要增收难度相当大,而负担问题稍不注重一反弹,人平就是几十元。This is planted this year circumstance, the farmer should be added receive difficulty quite big, and burden problem rebounds carelessly a bit, the person is made the same score is a few yuan.