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那支战斗部队由志愿兵组成。The fighting unit was composed of volunteers.

战争爆发时,成千上万的人当了志愿兵。Thousands of men volunteered when the war broke out.

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但是,志愿兵们还是前往了圣安东尼奥市。However, the volunteer soldiers left for San Antonio.

许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.

那天我们听说林肯先生在招募志愿兵呢?The day we heard about Mr. Lincoln's call for volunteers?

但是在1940年春,他们不再需要任何的志愿兵。But in the spring of 1940, they didn't need any volunteers.

但是,志愿兵从未在这种情况下使用过狐蝠。But the volunteers had not used it in this type of situation.

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志愿兵的军官,甚至征兵的军官是见不到这类阔佬的。The volunteer officer, even the drafting officer, will not find them.

志愿在军队服役的人称为志愿兵。People who volunteer their services to the army were called volunteers.

1980年代,光陆军就有士兵78万人,都是志愿兵。In the 1980s the army alone had 780,000 soldiers, all of them volunteers.

军队非常强调支持和训练志愿兵。The army places a strong emphasis on training and support for the voluntaries.

志愿兵实行分期服现役制度。A system of active service for different terms shall be instituted for volunteers.

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人民解放军选择了更慢、更扎实的步伐向一支志愿兵部队进军。The PLA has taken a slower, steadier approach to its move towards a volunteer force.

一群德州志愿兵们试图前往圣安东尼奥市与墨西哥军队进行一场生死之战。A group of Texas volunteer soldiers wanted to go to San Antonio to fight the Mexicans.

人们会回答‘愿意’,因为这些志愿兵中的每一个人都渴望在战争中分一杯羹。The answer is ‘Yes, ’ because any such volunteers were likely to enjoy the spoils of war.

这些工作,与士官改革一起,进一步深化了向一支志愿兵部队的转化。These efforts, along with NCO reforms and expansion, are furthering the transition to a volunteer force.

海军陆战队称,此次征召主要是由于在伊拉克和阿富汗的志愿兵短缺。The Marines say the call-up is primarily due to a shortage of volunteers for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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朝向相反的方向进发,解放军选择了一条渐进、多方面多要素之路来吸引高质量的志愿兵。Moving in the opposite direction, the PLA has chosen a gradual, multipronged approach to attract high quality volunteers.

自从我竭尽绵薄,在强加在帝国身上的第一次世界大战中充当一名志愿兵以来,已经有三十多年了。More than thirty years have passed since I made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich.

第八条从非军事部门直接招收志愿兵的工作,由各级征兵办公室负责办理。Article 8The work of directly enlisting volunteer soldiers from non-military departments shall be handled by conscription offices at various levels.