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那手看上去粗糙干瘪。The hand looked chapped and wizened.

放弃一切的人看上去会很干瘪。The man who renounces all looks dry.

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并触碰了他的手,他的手便立刻干瘪了下去。And I touched his hand, and it became withered.

衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人干瘪。My end is no regrets, the Iraqi people to wave.

那手看上去粗糙干瘪,不像是个男孩的手。The hand looked chapped and wizened, not a boy's.

草皮干瘪枯萎弯曲死掉。The greensward all wracked is, bents dried up and dead.

你的爱深似海洋,可你的钱包却很干瘪。Your love is as deep as the ocean, but your pockets aren’t.

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硕大干瘪的下巴上满是黑黑的胡茬儿。A dark stubble was shrouding his strong jaw and dimpled chin.

经过药物保存处理的面部干瘪如皮革。It is shrivelled and leather-like from the embalming process.

他即使是二十岁的青年,行动起来也象个干瘪的老太婆。Even if he is a youth of twenty he moves like an ancient crone.

那个干瘪难看的小老头是个臭名远扬的吝啬鬼。That wizened and grotesque little old man is a notorious miser.

墙上挂着的丝瓜都已经给风吹干瘪了。The towel gourds hanging on the wall have been dried out by the wind.

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在狂风扫虐过后的爱荷华州,成熟的玉米穗在秋收来临之前已经干瘪了。In windswept Iowa, ears of mature corn dry ahead of the autumn harvest.

她有五十多岁,矮矮的,瘦瘦的,带着一张胭脂模糊的干瘪脸颊。She was in her fifties, small, slim, with sunken, darkly rouged cheeks.

在闭花过程中,浆片逐渐萎缩、干瘪,体积缩小。During flowering process, lodicules cubage increased by absorbing water.

如果我们失去动力,就像干瘪的马铃薯,越来越远离我们的目标。And we lose momentum, could end up as couch potatoes and run far from the goal.

年迈干瘪的牛头人坐在火前,温暖着自己的老骨头。The ancient and wizened tauren sat in front of the fire, warming his old bones.

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他黧黑、瘦小、干瘪,仿佛超越时间之外,处于永恒。He was dark, dried up , diminutive, and seemed outside time, situated in eternity.

这样的文章内容空洞、干瘪是自然的,分数不高也在情理之中。The contents of such articles are vacuous. It is natural that the scores are not high.

这只会抑制你的创造力,可能让你的作品看上去干瘪,没有原创色彩。That will only stifle your creativity and could make your writing seem dry and unoriginal.