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虎跳峡是世界上著名的大峡谷,以奇险雄壮著称于世。Tiger leaping gorge is the world famous grand canyon, and grotesque known to the world.

奇险洞穴中再现了一场终极的探险,主角是一群日渐成长,初生牛犊般的年轻探险家。For a growing band of intrepid young Chinese explorers caves represent the ultimate adventure.

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“天斧沙宫”是兰州市安宁区一处壮美奇险、旅游开发前景广阔的丹霞地貌景观。Tianfusagong in Lanzhou City is the landscape of Danxia physiognomy with a golden future in tourism development.

“天下第一秀”桃源洞国家森林公园,让游客感受纯真古朴、神秘奇险的原始生态风貌。Taoyuan Cave State Forest arouses visitors the sensation from the flavor of the primitive, natural and mysterious ecology.

高山有高山的性格,万佛山具备了雄峻、幽深、奇险的风景特征。There are mountains of alpine character, with a magnificent million Foshan, deep, odd-risk characteristics of the landscape.

位于炎陵县桃源洞风景区田心里景区,是一段长达七、八百米的极为壮观奇险的涧流。Black Dragon Pond, located in the Tianxinli scenic spot, Taoyuan Cave scenic area, is an 800-metre long and wonderful stream.

位于炎陵县桃源洞风景区田心里景区,是一段长达七、百米的极为壮观奇险的涧流。Black Dragon Pond, located in the Tianxinli scenic spot, Taoyuan Cave scenic area, is an800- metre long and wonderful stream.

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云崖栈道由人工开凿在陡峭的石壁之上,上下构连,奇险无比。The cloud cliff plank road by artificially opens cutting above the steep cliff, about constructs the company, wonderful danger incomparable.

乌克兰总统选举部分统计结果显示,亲俄罗斯派反对党首领亚努科维奇险胜。Partial results from Ukraine put pro-Moscow opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych on course for a narrow win in the country's presidential election.

李博自己在创作的过程中,提出一种年轻世代捉狭式的视觉奇险想法,蓄意去透过人体提供了一种遐想的平台。In his creative process, Libo raises a concept of visual adventure that is youthful and mischievous, allowing a vehicle for fancy through the human body.

图案中心屹立于碧波白波中的中流砥柱,既是中华民族不屈不挠的象征,又是举世闻名的奇险、雄壮的黄河景观,入选国家级旅游线。In the middle, it is the firm rock in midstream meaning our unyielding spirit of Chinese nation and it is also the world-known landscape selected as the tour line of country level.