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凡是达到功效申请留本门表演团队的弟子,择优录用。Apply for staying and performing, if reaching certain criteria.

参加公务员择优录用的考试。Take the competitive examination for the job of government functionary.

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这时就可以利用模糊综合决策方法来进行择优录用。By now might use the fuzzy synthesis decision-making method to carry on hires according to qualification.

在设施设备的采购中严把质量关,对第二餐厅使用的所有设备采用公开招投标择优录用的方式确保硬件质量。Secondly, Digital Hub took the measure of public biding for all facilities and equipment procured to ensure a fine quality.

主要从事照顾病人的生活起居和基础护理工作。当临床需要补充护士时,再择优录用。Then the ones who passed the examination were employed to engage in basic nursing and provide care for patients' activities of daily living.

海关招收工作人员应当按照国家规定,公开考试,严格考核,择优录用。Customs shall, in accordance with national regulations, take examination openly, assess strictly and employ selectively by excellency while recruiting personnel.

其次在员工队伍的组建上,采取公开招聘,择优录用,实践检验,优胜劣汰的办法。Besides, the way of public recruitment, recruiting qualified ones, checking through practice and selecting qualified ones must be considered when forming a staff-team.

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海关招收工作人员应当按照国家规定,公开考试,严格考核,择优录用。When recruiting staff, the Customs shall, in accordance with State regulations, hold examinations openly, make strict assessment and employ those who pass the examinations.

中国在上周展露了锋芒,呼吁遴选过程应该透明并择优录用.巴西、南非和墨西哥对此倡议给予附和.China uncharacteristically flexed its muscle early on last week with a call for a merit-based, transparent selection process. Brazil, South Africa and Mexico echoed that call.

实习期满,我们将择优录用,为您提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利,专业化培训,带薪假期、团队活动、定期体检。Internship Expired, we will enroll the excellent intern and provide you a competitive salaries, benefits, professional training, paid holiday, team activities and periodical physical check.