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当时还是让我们不厌其烦地到达那一步吧。But let's take baby steps to get there.

一天又一天,帕蒂和我不厌其烦地朗诵一遍又一遍。Day after day, Patty and I plodded through recitals.

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镜子,它总不厌其烦的诉说着生活的辛酸,岁月的蹉跎。Mirror tells the groan and sweat under a weary life.

专家总是不厌其烦地提醒我们,吸烟对人体有害。Smoking is bad for you,as experts never weary of reminding us.

地球、不厌其烦地一圈又一圈地自转。Earth, have taken the trouble to ring another enclosurerotation.

不厌其烦的重复这些细节,但我相信你会理解的。I’m glossing over the specific details, but I think you get the idea.

尽管我们不厌其烦地试图估算“混沌”并将其理论化,但它仍然是“混沌”一片。As much as we try to calculate and theorize "chaos", it is still "chaos".

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正是我那不厌其烦的爸爸让我从不喜欢英语到喜欢英语,我很感谢他。It is my dad who made me like Enlish from dislike. I thank him very much.

一天又一天,帕蒂和我不厌其烦地朗诵一遍又一遍。她任劳任怨。Day after day, Patty and I plodded through recitals. She accepted the drudgery.

谢谢你不厌其烦地替我审阅这个稿子。Thank you FOR the trouble you have taken in reading over the manuscript FOR me.

商业人士不厌其烦的抱怨公立机构的教育和培训项目。Businesspeople complain endlessly about public-sector education and training schemes.

所以我猜各位对我不厌其烦地讨论科学与艺术的关系是否感到有点疲倦。So I wonder, are you getting a little tired of my harangue about "science" and "art"?

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我可不打算不厌其烦的持续不断的用紧急救助金来奖励你们当中的失败者和弱智者。I am not going to continue rewarding the losers and dimwits amongst you with handouts.

适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

“我会派出记者,不厌其烦地向他提问,”布拉杜莎·尼日说。“I’m going to be sending my reporters to ask him questions all the time, ” Ms. Niro said.

另一个强大的走私者不厌其烦,把25公斤的可卡因藏在了407个西葫芦里。Another enterprising smuggler took the trouble of stuffing 407 courgettes with 25kg of cocaine.

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而是由于不厌其烦的教唆,而且我们经常置身于其中。Because of the smell of solicitation in the air, and because we are usually in the middle of it.

媒体也不厌其烦的渲染着佩罗希的穿着品位和她对大珠宝的喜爱。The press will tire of writing stories about Ms Pelosi's dress sense and her taste for chunky pearls.

确实正如马哈特玛·甘地不厌其烦地坚持的那样,手段是目标的初始阶段。Indeed,as Mahatma Gandhi was never tired of insisting,the means are the end in its preliminary stages.