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他们是新婚夫妇。They are newlyweds.

这对夫妇关系已经破裂。The couple have split.

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他们救出了杜威夫妇。They saved the couple.

那是斯威尼夫妇。Those are the Sweeneys.

他把一间屋子租给一对夫妇。He let a room to a couple.

这是一对老年夫妇了。This is an elderly couple.

这对夫妇痛苦地呻吟。The couple groaned in pain.

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约翰,杰克逊夫妇来了。John, the Jacksons are here.

我们看到了一对中年夫妇。We saw a middle-aged couple.

你还记不记得蒙特若夫妇?。Do you remember the Monteros?

野鸭夫妇过来了。Here come the mallard couple.

我在那儿遇到李氏夫妇了。I met Mr. and Mrs. Lee there.

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我宣布你们结为夫妇。I pronounce you man and wife.

一对夫妇搬到一起住。One couple moved in together.

这对夫妇有三个孩子。The couple has three children.

那对夫妇挽着臂散步。The couple strolled arm in arm.

迈克尔和莱思莉夫妇真是没的说。Michael and Leslie are the best.

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同时,双收入夫妇出现。The dual-income couple was born.

一对年轻的新婚夫妇吵架了。The young newly- weds quarreled.

他们是刚结婚的一对夫妇。They are a newly-married couple.