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楹联可称之为“二元结构”文体。Couplets may be called "dual structure" style.

但反过来,楹联又具有极大的包容性。However, in turn, couplets but also has great inclusive.

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楹联学会在这个自由爵士舞锻炼影片放克风格。Learn couplets jazz funk style in this free dancing workout video.

碑记与楹联是中国文化特有的产物。Tablets and antithetical couplets are the unique cultural products of China.

一九九九年作品在中国美术馆参加全国第三界楹联书法展。The work attended the whole country in the Chinese art museum in 1999 the third boundary Yuanlian calligraphy exhibition.

清灰的砖石、青色的窗棂、红色的楹联,构成了盛塘民居的基本颜色。The light grey bricks, cyan window lattices and red couplets make up the basic colors of the residence in Shengtang Village.

这副对联最早被中国楹联协会常务理事陈锡波发现并整理加工。This pair of couplets was the first executive director of the Chinese Association Couplet Chentibei discovered and finishing.

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在现在开放作景点的劳氏古宅中,从明、清两朝沿用至今的楹联共计305副。There are altogether 305 couplets, which have existed since the Ming or Qing Dynasty, in the Laos' old houses accessible to tourists.

楹联具有上述的独特性,但是,楹联仍是一种文学形式,具有文学的一般性和普遍性特征。Couplets with the uniqueness of the above, but the couplet is still a literary form, with literature, the general and universal character.

以上二首都被大陆出版楹联大全所收集印行。The above-mentioned two capital publish continent couplet written on scrolls complete collections of place collect and print and distribute.

许多祈求吉祥如意的石雕,砖雕,楹联也集中反映了居民趋吉避凶的心理需求。Many stone carvings, brick carvings and couplets to pray lucky and wishes also meet with the emotional request to pursue lucky and avoid disaster.

通过对传统园林植物景观与匾额楹联之间关系的探讨,会给我们现代园林植物配置与景题设计带来不一样的启示。Researching the relationship between plantscape and tablets and couplets, that would give us inspiration for plant disposition and title designing.

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诗人更把这种感受写成了一幅楹联,用“水从碧玉环中出,人在青莲瓣里行”的诗句点出了它的神韵。" the hazy feeling. The poet put this feeling into a couplet, " water from Jasper ring out, people in Qinglian flap in" verse points out its charm.

东有清代建的“酌泉亭”一座,亭为石作,内外镌满楹联和诗文。East of the Qing Dynasty built "discretionary Springs Pavilion, " an, pavilion for the stone, full of couplets and poems engraved inside and outside.

重视楹联匾额的拟定、文士园是文化遗产,应作为文物来保护,也应作资源来适度开发。Garden by scholars is China civilization legacy, and should regard the cultural relic to come to be protected, and also should come to develop as the resources.

清代皇家匾额楹联内容之广,数量之大,形式之多,都达到中国历史的顶峰。The imperial inscribed boards and couplets of Qing Dynasty reached the pinnacle of Chinese history with wide-ranging contents, large quantities and diverse forms.

江津楹联的历史至少可以追溯到唐代,清代的钟云舫,当代的张述寅、王钟璘等都是楹联习俗在民间层面上的有效传承人。Zhong Yunfang in Qing Dynasty, Zhang Shuying and Wang Zhongling and so on in contemporary era are good propagators in the folk level of the couplets in Jiangjing.

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王棻后裔迄今还保存着俞樾撰书的一副楹联手迹,是研究地方历史文化,探讨俞樾王棻交往的珍贵文物资料。Until now, the descendant of Wang has preserved an antithetical couplet which is a costful material for the study on the history and the friendship of Yu and Wang.

日前在长沙结束的全国首届“楹联文化与楹联学科建设”学术研讨会展出了一幅特殊对联,上联是英文而下联是中文。Changsha recently concluded national first "culture and couplets Couplet construction disciplines" at the Symposium of a special couplet, on the English and half in Chinese.

站在古宅的正门处往里望,可以看见每一进位于中轴线上的门上,楹联工整地贴着,鲜艳的红色联纸分外抢眼。If you look inside from the main gate, you will see them neatly attached to the central gates of all the rows of houses, their bright red color making them very eye-catching.