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就在高山春风得意之时,大伯毛清源过世的消息传来。At a time when mountain too proud, uncle Mao Qingyuan the late news.

春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。Riding on the crest of success , seeing all the flowers in Chang'aN.

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春风得意马蹄疾。兔年里,愿你马不停蹄,奔腾前进!Percussion horseshoe disease. The rabbit years, wish you all, pentium!

人们总是希望过着春风得意的日子,但这是不可能的。People always want to live in its days of brilliance, but it is not possible.

刘燕冰事业春风得意,爱情却陷入危机。Career of Liu swallow ice is successful, love is immersed in the crisis however.

在2006年房地产市场春风得意时,销售与存量的比例只有6.5个月。In 2006, when markets were far perkier, that sales-to-stocks ratio was just 6.5 months.

最近很忙吧!昨天我看见你了,身边还有一个靓妹嘛,春风得意哦!The recent busy bar! Yesterday, I saw you, around there is a Way We Are Well, too proud Oh!

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丈夫吉姆•托斯当然是这位一线明星这些天春风得意的一个主要原因。Husband Jim Toth, 40, is certainly a big reason why the A-lister can't stop smiling these days.

当初在大学时期,她在社团那里独当一面,又在学习上春风得意。Initially in the college, where she was in the community of endeavor, but also in learning too proud.

虽然现在克林顿夫人在“宛若天堂”的阿巴拉契亚春风得意,但是只有奇迹才能挽救她的竞选。Although Mrs Clinton's head is in Appalachia 's heavenly peaks, only a miracle can save her candidacy now.

拥有恰当技能的人春风得意,其他人却像是遇到了没有尽头的衰退。For people with the right skills, these are the glory days. For everybody else, it's as if the recession never ended.

这些天,老二真是春风得意,不时哼着歌去看他正装修的婚房。These days, the second is really successful, often singing songs to see he is the decoration of the housing marriage.

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“迪林厄姆”这个名号是主人先前春风得意之际,一时兴起加上去的,那时候他每星期挣三十美元。The "Dillingham" had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid per week.

“春风得意马蹄疾”。新年伊始,愿你乘着和煦的春风,朝着灿烂的前景,马不停蹄,奔腾前进!"Too proud Horseshoe disease. " New Year, wish you the warm spring riding toward the bright future, non-stop, Pentium forward!

“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”取自唐诗名句,是诗人时来运转,春风得意之神作。"Brilliance, one day watching as horseshoe disease from tang chang flower", is a poet fortune turnes the sentence, god of brilliance.

在博尔德的科罗拉多大学我一直春风得意,任何功课都没有花费过太大的力气,毕业后便顺利地进入了该校素负盛名的法学院。I'd coasted through the university of Colorado at Boulder without working up a major sweat and was duly admitted to its prestigious law school.

人生更像是一个棒球赛季。即使最棒的球队也会输掉赛季三分之一的比赛,而最差的球队也有春风得意的日子。Life is more like a base-ball season, where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance.

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人生更像是一个棒球赛季。即使最好的球队也有春风得意的日子。Life is more like a base-ball season, where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance14.

所有政治生命,除非在春风得意的当口急流勇退,都将以失败告终,因为政治的本性就是如此,人类事务的本性就是如此。All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.

“喂!”卡德鲁斯继续喊道,并用拳头撑住桌子,抬起了半个身子——“喂,爱德蒙!你竟究是没看见你的朋友呢,还是春风得意不愿和他们讲话?”"Hallo! " continued Caderousse, half-rising, and with his fist on the table, "hallo, Edmond! do you not see your friends, or are you too proud to speak to them?"