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如果你不热爱自由,他们便会充满奴性。If you do not love freedom, they will be servile.

爱看见了罪的奴性,就寻找一个释放的途径。Love saw the malady of sin, and sought a balm of healing.

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他的一部分,铝-马利基已表示是有限制的,以他的奴性。For his part al-Maliki has indicated there are limits to his servility.

“奴性性”是妨碍自由权利行使的根源。"Servility" is obstruct the exercise of the right to freedom of the root.

一张纸烧起时,又是谁那么奴性和虚伪地舞蹈?When a piece of paper Shaoqi, who is so servile and hypocritical to dance?

显然,他可能是个不错的男人,但你对他并没有奴性的承诺。Admittedly he might be a nice man, but you don't owe him slavish commitment.

对金钱的迷恋和崇拜使人类的奴性地位达到了极端。Infatuation and worship to money led people's servility to an extreme degree.

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正是因为他过于完美,几年的奴性崇拜就足以把我们都毁了。Too perfect. A few years of slavish worship would be enough to ruin any of us.

抛下所有奴性偏见的恐惧,在那里微弱的心灵奴婢般地蜷缩著。Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched.

他清楚地看到维克多的脸庞映在镜子,象一个表情温和、奴性十足的面具。He could see the reflection of Victor's face perfectly. It was like a placid mask of servility.

谄媚也可造成协调,但这种协调是借奴性的无耻的罪过或欺骗所造成。——斯宾诺莎。Flattery can also cause coordination, but this coordination is servile shameless sin or deception.

我认为,把后宫游戏和‘奴性’‘自我膨胀’这些词联系起来,有些上纲上线、小题大做了。I believe that connecting harem games with 'slave mentality' and 'narcissism' seems a bit excessive.

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滥用权力、漠视权利导致教师权威的异化,使学生、教师奴性化。Abuse of power and neglect of rights alienate teacher' s authority and enslave both students and teachers.

但是作为封建大家庭中的一员,她又不可能避免地沾染上浓重的奴性。But as one of the family in feudal environment , she is impossible to avoid contaminating on the strong servility.

他们站在聊天一样轻松和自然可以,女孩没有一丝害羞或奴性。They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as could be, the girl without a trace of shyness or servility.

这是对男人优越感的奴性的默认,这种默认维持着婚姻制度看起来原封未动好长时间。It is this slavish acquiescence to man's superiority that has kept the marriage institution seemingly intact for so long a period.

这就是大多数国人还存在的一种没有苏醒的愿意被别人吆喝着侍奉的奴性所至。This is what the majority of people still have not regained the kind of people were willing to serve the call of servility Suozhi.

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有人认为这是一种“奴性”教育,很容易使孩子丧失自己的独立人格,所以根本不应该提倡。Some regard it as "slavish", depriving children of their individuality and independent thinking and therefore should not be advocated.

在这三类中,统治者的专制制度和愚民政策是造成后两类奴性根源的缘由。Among the three groups, the autocratic systems and obscurantist policy are the causes of turning the masses and intellectuals into slaves.

“伤痕—反思”小说的文本特征凸显了作家与民众封建、愚昧的奴性意识。The textual characteristics of trauma & introspection novels reflects the consciousness of servility of the feudal and ignorant writers and public.