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他一脸苦相,表示怀疑。He made a grimace of disbelief.

库马思一脸苦相,表示怀疑。Kugelmass made a grimace of disbelief.

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吉米吞下药后扮了个苦相。Jimmy swallowed the medicine and made a face.

看到一大堆活儿,那女孩做了副苦相。The girl made a face when she saw the pile of work.

下次我们见面时,她会摆出一副苦相的。She should have worn a pathetic expression when next we met.

我将永远忘不了这小孩的满脸苦相。I shall always carry with me the memory of this child's tortured face.

头发都没了,一脸的苦相,愁眉不展。He's 5 foot 4 inches tall, has no hair and he wears a perpetual frown on his face.

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第二个房间,物理学家一脸苦相。In the first room, the engineer is snoring, with a battered, opened and emptied can.

她从我的盘子上拿了一块香蕉,塞进自己口中。“盐放得太多啦。”她边说边做出一脸苦相。She swiped a slice of plátano from my plate and popped it in her mouth. "You use too much salt," she said, making a face.

她从我的盘子上拿了一块香蕉,塞进自己口中。“盐放得太多啦。”她边说边做出一脸苦相。She swiped a slice of plátano from my plate and popped it in her mouth. "You use too much salt, " she said, making a face.