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没有拖网渔船。There were no trawlers.

那些渔船正在卸货。The fishing boats are unlading.

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现在所有渔船都重新装备起来。Now all fishing boats are rejigged.

斑驳的渔船在海上行进。The mottled fishing boats move along.

渔船上的灯火忽悠忽悠的。Lights flickered on the fishing boats.

船长曾在流刺网渔船上工作过。The captain used to work on a drifter.

这艘轮船撞沉了一条小渔船。The ship ran down a small fishing boat.

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第四架飞机在一艘荷兰拖网渔船旁迫降。He and i were shipmates on a trawler once.

渔港里停泊着几艘拖网渔船。The fishmen hauled the fish into the boat.

渔人们把鱼拖进渔船。The fishermen hauled the fish into the boat.

爸爸坐在一条小渔船上来来去去。Father came and went in a small fishing boat.

现在所有的渔船都装了无线电。Now all the fishing boats are radio-equipped.

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一条小渔船正慢慢向前漂荡。A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.

班轮在浓雾中撞上了渔船。The liner ran down a fishing-boat in thick fog.

落日之下,一只渔船来往于梅克纳河。A fishing boat plies the Meghna River at sunset.

渔船在码头卸下的一箱箱冷冻海鱼。A fishing trawler unloads crates of frozen fish.

另外,一艘渡轮和一艘渔船翻沉。In addition, a ferry and a fishing boat capsized.

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在渔船可以捕鱼的时候,是不被限制的。Boats are not restricted as to when they can fish.

从船具装备来看,我认为这是一艘渔船。Judging by its rig, I'd say it was a fishing boat.

我还在伏尔加河上的一条渔船上呆过几天。I even spent some days on ariver boat on the Volga.