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不下功夫而想得到所要的东西。Wanting to get something for free.

掌握一门语言须要下功夫。It requires efforts to master a language.

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导购员必需在这方面下功夫。Purchasing Guide is needed in the aspects.

我在不太擅长的科目上狠下功夫。I spent more time on the subject I was not good at.

如果每周都在这上面下功夫,那你会越来越强。When you work on it every week, you will be stronger.

你现在不下功夫,日后会吃苦头的。If you don't work hard now, you'll suffer for it later.

我们必须下功夫在群众中做细致的工作。We must take pains to do meticulous work among the masses.

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祖母告诉他,“在雇人干活这方面,你还得下功夫。”"You've got to get better at hiring people, " she told him.

更多的研究是在员工持股的运行机制上下功夫。And much more research is made on the running mechanism of ESOP.

可能要下功夫,但是你将会看到成果,且成为一个更快乐的人。It may take work but you will see results & be a happier person.

首先,我认为你应该多在生物学上下功夫。First and foremost, I think you should work harder on your biology.

它在最细微的地方下功夫,而展开了最宽广的远景。It works in the minutest crannies and it opens out the widest vistas.

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老师为学习的便利在这语言艺术上下文上下功夫。Teachers become facilitators of learning in this language-arts context.

剧本感很强,之前的排练很下功夫。There's a very strong scripted feel, much effort was put into rehearsal.

师德建设要与法规制度相结合,在校风学风、校园文化建设上下功夫。The construction of teacher's ethics and statute system should be integrated.

不仅个人需要下功夫,群体也要下功夫。It takes work both at the individual level and it takes work at the group level.

此外,编辑的困惑也显示,对这篇报道可能需要再下功夫。Besides, a confused editor is one indication that the story probably needs more work.

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从这个地方入手,狠下功夫,修行就会渐渐得力。Starting from this place, make great efforts to practice will be gradually effective.

总的对策应从分析杀人案件的直接原因、诱发原因及犯罪作案条件上下功夫。Much efforts must be made on analyzing the direct and inducing causes of murder cases.

双鱼更容易在理解和相惜同伴方面多下功夫。Pisces tends to focus much energy on understanding and sympathizing with their partner.