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第四部分论述边防建设对桂越边贸的影响。Part four discusses the construction of border on the impact of border trade between Guangxi and Vietnam.

第四章重点阐述新疆边境贸易发展面临的四个问题,并进行边贸政策层面的原因分析。Chapter IV focuses on the Xinjiang border trade four issues faced and the reasons for border trade at the policy level.

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杨红光表示,中俄边贸本币结算快速发展的同时也面临问题。Yang Hongguang said that the Sino-Russian border trade settlement currency's rapid development is also facing the problem.

边贸销往俄罗斯等国家,内销产品一牛仔裤为主,销往国内多个省市。Border trade are sold to Russia and other countries, a pair of jeans domestic product mainly sold to domestic provinces and cities.

该公司系个私企业,在广西东兴轻纺城辟有边贸窗口。Shaoxing Yongfeng Cloth Co. , Ltd. is a private enterprise, setting up a border shopping window at Guangxi Dongxing Light Textile City.

总结左宗棠复兴西北边贸的成绩与教训,具有一定的史鉴价值。It has historical reference to conclude Zuo Zongtang's achievements and lessons when he revitalized the frontier trade in Northwest China.

第六章提出明确边贸政策定位、设立特殊口岸经济区给予特殊优惠政策的结论。Chapter VI is the conclusion of clearing the position of border trade and setting up special port economic zone to give special preferential policies.

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目前,新疆外贸快速发展的主要原因在于新疆的地缘优势,主要的贸易方式表现为“边贸”,主要的贸易地理方向集中在周边国家。At preset, the main reason for the rapid development of Xinjiang's foreign trade is the regional advantage. The most important trading form is frontier trade.

服饰的变迁引起了审美观念的变化,带动了当地消费,促进了经济增长,发展了边贸业。Clothing's vicissitude has caused the esthetic idea changed, has led the local expense, promoted the economic growth, has developed the border trade industry.

美国和加拿大边贸供应链优势在于把双方传统的东西向贸易格局演变为南北向和东西向贸易的网络化格局。The advantage of border trade supply chain between US and Canada relies on the network pattern which evolved from west-to-east trade pattern to north-to-south pattern.

仪式结束后,孙玉玺大使随同中国代表团前往中方边贸市场所在地仁青岗,出席仁青岗边贸市场开放庆典,并参观了市场的各种设施。After the reopening of Nathula trade route, Ambassador Sun paid a visit to Renqinggang trade market located in Tibet Autonomous Region and attended its opening ceremony.

本公司目前主要以经营服装为主,集外贸、边贸和内销为一体,产品外销五大洲多个国家和地区。The Company is currently operating mainly in garments, foreign trade, border trade and domestic sales as a whole, the products exported many countries and regions on five continents.

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第四部分从吉林省边贸的发展对振兴东北老工业基地所带来的负面影响做了分析。The fourth part of the development of border trade from Jilin Province on the revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China caused by the negative impact of doing the analysis.

现有铁路口岸站的线路设置、仓贮设备、换装能力及其他基础设施等,均不能适应日益增长的边贸运输需求。Track layout, storage facilities, transfer capacity, and other basic facilities of the existing railway port stations can not cope with the ever-increasing transportation for border trade.

西夏占据灵州后,灵州的国际地位和边贸功能削弱,中西交通的格局也发生了根本性的变革。When Xixia kingdom occupied Lingzhou, its international status and trading market rule were abated, and the pattern of exchanging between China and the West took play an essential transform.

第三条本办法所称“边贸企业”包括我国的边境小额贸易企业和对外经济技术合作企业。Article 3 The border trade enterprises as mentioned in the present Measures include the small-scale border trade enterprises and foreign economic and technical cooperation enterprises of China.

中国驻印度大使孙玉玺专程从新德里赶往乃堆拉山口出席边贸通道的开通仪式。H.E. Mr. Sun Yuxi, Ambassador of China to India, made a special trip from Delhi to attend the Reopening Ceremony. After arrival, Ambassador Sun was interviewed by Indian and international media.

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第三部分从吉林省边贸的发展对振兴东北老工业基地所带来的正面影响做了分析。The third part of the development of border trade from Jilin Province on the revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China brought about by the positive impact of doing the analysis.

临江市设有国家一类口岸,中朝边境有公路大桥相连接,是吉林省对外贸易的重要通道,具有边贸、外贸进出口权。Linjiang has a national first level port between China and DPRK, of which the link is the Yalu River. It is the important transport thoroughfare of the foreign trade, with the import and export power.