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你正在经历的病痛?The illness you are going through?

如果病痛复发,就服这种药。If the pain recurs, take this medicine.

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病痛与犹豫总是结伴同行的。Sickness and hesitancy go hand in hand.

这种药可减轻你的病痛.This drug will relieve your discomfort.

从病痛中,神教导了我什么功课?What has God taught me through illness?

你的病痛,也同样引着我的心痛,快点好吧!You pain, also took my heart, get well!

老年的世界千种病痛缠扰。A thousand ills the aged world surround.

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这位老太太连续病痛缠身。The old lady is never free from paining.

可叹的是我的病痛却找不到香膏来治愈。I suffer a malady that no balm can cure !

这种药将快速解除你的病痛。This medicine will give you quick relief.

你是否遇上了衰老病痛和死亡的阴云?A sickness--weak old age--distress and death?

病痛强迫我暂停运动计划吗?Sickness forces me to stop my exercise program?

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她经常用冰袋放在背上以缓解病痛。She was going to work with ice packs on her back.

病痛使她时时颦蹙双眉。She always knits her brows because of the ailment.

特别是慢性的病痛会导致情绪暴躁。In particular, chronic pain can lead to grumpiness.

乔妮写了许多关病痛和苦难的书。Joni has written many books about pain and suffering.

那么,与压力相关的病痛是否都是脑子弄出来的问题呢?So is stress-related pain all in your head after all?

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对于很多受害者来说,生活还要继续——只是多了病痛如影随形。For many victims, life goes on—but with complications.

另一个折磨我的病痛是疖子,又大又频繁。Another painful affliction was boils, big and frequent.

本笃教皇还谈到保罗二世在病痛中的见证。The pope also spoke of John Paul’s witness in suffering.