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他的辞令通常都能打动人心,但有时也让人心惊肉跳!Oftenest persuasive, but sometimes terrible!

这位演讲者无疑善于辞令。The key-note speaker certainly has the gift of gab.

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但在这些辞令背后,形势正迅速转变。But, beneath the rhetoric, things are shifting fast.

一部分人对于不断趋于强硬的评级辞令持怀疑态度.Some are skeptical of the heightened ratings rhetoric.

党又有了一位善于辞令的领袖,这是可喜的。It was nice for the Party to have a leader again with some relish for words.

喜好商业辞令的Mually总裁爱说,“数据让你自由”,“不公开就会难以管理”。“The data sets you free,” says Mr Mulally with his fondness of business-speak.

但正如奥威尔和哈维尔认识到的那样,这类索然无味的辞令并非无害。But, as Orwell and Mr Havel realised, these vapid expression_rs are not harmless.

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这实际上是利用精心准备的官方对外辞令在外交场合回避问题。It was another diplomatic side-step by a well-briefed official speaking in public.

她善于辞令而且古道热肠,即便对人直言不讳,也看得出是在关心他们。Well spoken and warm, she seems to care about people even when she is being blunt with them.

亚波罗是一位出色的传道者,他天资聪敏,善于辞令,他所传讲的信息既准确又有力。Apollos was a great preacher. He was bright and eloquent. His messages were accurate and dynamic.

而在另一方面,在媒体和政治辞令中中国也被描绘成掠夺者的形象。On the other hand, China has also been portrayed in the media and in some political rhetoric as a predator.

他抽烟,喝威士忌,仗着巧妙的辞令和使人开窍、。He smoked cigarettes and drank whiskey, and he thrived on good wit and stimulating intellectual conversation.

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参议员善于辞令,讲起话来很能抓住人心,屋子里的一百来个人默不作声,聚精会神地听着。The senator was a strong commanding speaker and the hundred or so people in the room were attentive ly silent.

学问渊博,技能高超,训练有素,富有教养,善于辞令,这是最高的吉祥。Vast learning, skill in handicrafts, well grounded in discipline, and pleasant speech — this is the highest blessing.

而泰斯拉正在用他切中要害的辞令说道,并且还可能说服哨兵成员们采用另一套不同的行动方案。Besides, Tesla was giving it his best shot and might yet convince the Sentinels to adopt a different course of action.

当然,作为坚持己方报价的一种谈判技巧,这种辞令在收购交易中屡见不鲜。Such rhetoric, of course, is not uncommon as a negotiating tactic by a company hoping to hold the line on a deal price.

普罗霍罗夫的事件揭示梅德韦杰夫现代化的辞令不包含真正的政治自由。The Prokhorov affair reveals that Medvedev’s rhetoric of modernization does not include a true political liberalization.

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尽管奥巴马的辞令令人振奋,但其解决长期债务的计划则含糊得令人沮丧。Despite his inspiring rhetoric , Mr Obama 's plans for dealing with those long-term obligations have frustratingly vague.

一提到二手车,人们最先想到的可能就是吹得天花乱坠的销售辞令和最终买了辆破车的风险,但实际上二手车在全球汽车市场上发挥着重要作用。Used cars may conjure images of brazen sales pitches and a risk of lemons, but they play an important role in global auto markets.

幽默是指一种含蓄而充满机智、讽刺与诙谐的辞令,揭露生活中乖讹和不通情理之处。Humor is a kind of language which is full of understatement and wisdom, sarcasm and jocularity, revealing the unreasonable in life.