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所以很多都是口口相传。So, a lot of it has been word of mouth.

众口相传,消息不胫而走。The news was passed on by word of mouth.

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相传这里曾是远古时期德鲁伊的家园。Supposedly this was an ancient Druid site.

口口相传是一个手工艺者最重要的工具。Word-of-mouth is a crafter's greatest tool.

相传天堂的鸟没有脚。The bird of Paradise is fabled to have no feet.

对于为什么,我认为这是由于口耳相传。For the why, I think it is due to word of mouth.

信息传播往往是通过口耳相传。Information is often spread through word of mouth.

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那种家风是父子相传的。That family trait is handed on from father to son.

但我认为喜剧大多数是要口口相传的,but I think that mostly it's about the word of mouth,

口碑相传正成为第一位的市场沟通渠道。Word of mouth is now the number one marketing channel.

那种美德是父子相传的。The moral excellences are handed on from father to son.

这些技术以往往都是父子相传。These skills used to be handed down from father to son.

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即使是通过口口相传的信息也可以找到好的实习机会。Word of mouth, even, is a sort of good way to find out.

相传纳瓦是一位半人半狼的法师。The Nagual was a sorcerer who was believed to be part wolf.

从本质上讲,这就是口碑相传营销方式得到的结果。Essentially, it's word-of-mouth marketing that gets results.

相传,在东汉时期有一妖怪为祸人间。Legend has it that there was a devil in Dynasty of Dong Han.

这些技术以往往都是父子相传。The farm has been handed down from father to son since 1800.

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相传,这天晚上织女会在银河洗发去会牛郎。It was that night, in the Milky Way to wash hair will cowboy.

这个悲楚动人的故事一代代相传。This sad love story has passed from generation to generation.

相传为唐代金成公主的汤沐之所。Legend has it that the Tang Dynasty Princess Jin Cheng of tom.