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我计算错了一位数。I was one digit off.

他长于计算。He is good at figures.

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我们怎么计算呢?So, how do we compute it?

他们全部能够计算。They're all over the map.

我进行了一个计算。I performed a calculation.

价格是按游戏通货计算的。The price is set in scrip.

招聘职员,须能计算成本。Clerk wanted, able to cost.

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我会计算时间导数。I take the time derivative.

计算、汇报及核实。Measure, report and verify.

如果进行数学计算对的话。We have an error somewhere.

你能把账单的账计算出来吗?Can you figure up this bill?

计算时间差。Compute the time difference.

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他计算了一下我共欠他多少钱。He totted up what I owed him.

运行实际估算成本计算。Run actual imputed cost calc.

是不可能计算出来的。It is impossible to calculate.

文中有计算实例。There is example in the paper.

它们是以千计算的。They are counted by thousands.

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我在哪儿计算了这个平均值?Where am I computing the mean?

计算工作性的状态。Calculate the Work Item Status.

她扳着手指在计算。She is counting on her fingers.