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山之阳的两路,山势陡峭,气势磅礴。Hill of Yang 's two, steep mountains, of great momentum.

我生长在大山之中,我们那的人,无法想象什么气势磅礴的大型乐团。Growing up in the mountains, we couldn't imagine big orchestras.

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一簇簇二三十层的楼群气势磅礴,赏心悦目。Clusters of 20 to 30-storey buildings are magnificent and pleasing.

诗作奇伟宏丽、气势磅礴,具有独特的美学价值。His poems are wonderful and magnificent. They are of unique aesthetic value.

正门建筑犹如彩虹飞架、气势磅礴宏伟。Front entrance building just looks like a rainbow, full of power and grandeur.

形状奇特,图案清晰,层次分明,雄伟高大,气势磅礴,惟妙惟肖。Strange shapes and designs is clear, distinct, majestic great momentums , tall, lifelike.

青海塔尔寺建筑宏伟,气势磅礴,蕴含着博大精深的藏文化。Within the grand building of Qinghai Tar Temple is contained the profound Tibetan culture.

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斯宾塞一周又一周的做着气势磅礴的表演,而且他的角色相当可信。Spencer gives a bravuraperformance week after week, and he is totally believable in the role.

这条气势磅礴的河流将一直承载着源头的历史奔向未来。This is the mighty river, always connected to its source and always flowing on into the future.

在横断山脉的茫茫林海中,掩映着一座座气势磅礴的雪山。Cross the mountains in the vast Lin, a shade of a seat by the magnificent snow- capped mountains.

随后,祖国各族人民怀着振奋和自豪的心情观看了气势磅礴的阅兵式。Then, the motherlands of all people respond to with exciting and pride watching the magnificent parade.

早期的“昙曜五窟”气势磅礴,具有浑厚、纯朴的西域情调。The early, "Tan Yao five Cave" by the magnificent, with immense, pristine ambience of the Western Regions.

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位于北京西部,境内高山峻岭连绵起伏,气势磅礴。Located at Beijing west, within the boundaries mountain high mountains are rolling, with overpowering momentum.

登上山顶,那一道道沙峰如大海中的金色波浪,气势磅礴,汹涌澎湃。Ascend summit of hill, that a pass sand peak such as gold color within ocean wave, vehemence pound Bo, dashing surge.

港城安特卫普气势磅礴的市政大厅广场、油画艺术大师鲁本斯……都为钻石之都增添了浓郁的人文气息。Antwerp also hosts the finest museums in Europe such as Rubens House, Museum of Royal Fine Arts, and the Diamond Museum.

刺绣上花鸟鱼虫栩栩如生,五谷画中山水国画气势磅礴,让前来参观的人们爱不释手。Embroidery on the bird fleas lifelike, grain painting landscape painting magnificent, so come to visit the people put it down.

当我穿越马路中央,驻足赞叹气势磅礴的宽阔大街,或精心设计的长街景色时,我多次差点被来往的车辆撞倒。I was nearly run over a hundred times as I stopped halfway across streets to admire another sweep of avenue or calculated vista.

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招式没有一点花巧之处,气势磅礴,让人不敢正面相碰。The recruit type doesn't have the area of some bloom Qiao, vehemence pound Bo, people don't dare to mutually touch face to face.

强强联合的三家企业,其联盟具有非常明显的互补优势,其合作体一度气势磅礴,业绩辉煌。Three enterprises with win-win ally has obvious complementary superiority and their cooperation has acquired outstanding achievement for a time.

他的语句时而短小干脆,朴素直白,时而又气势磅礴,泼墨如水,为读者留下了叙述自由悠闲的印象。His sentences are sometimes short, crisp and plain, and sometimes long and rambling, which leave on the reader an impression of casual narration.