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她被无线电话的线给绊倒在地。She tripped over a cordless phone.

她给母亲打无线电话说她要晚到。She radiotelephoned her mother to say she would be late.

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到目前为止无线电话用户比固话用户更多。Wireless phones are, by far, more common than landlines.

低电压无线电话双频率合成器。Low-voltage dual frequency synthesizer for radio telephones.

我正拜望一位朋友时,她找不到自己无线电话。I was visiting a friend who could not find her cordless phone.

你也不会成为享受汽车无线电话的副总统,除非你既当了副总统,又买了汽车无线电话。You won’t be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

无线电话及传呼机功能必须设置为振动。The function of mobile phones and pagers should be set to vibration.

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一位警察看到三个盗贼抢劫银行,用无线电话要求增援。A police officer saw three thieves robbing a bank and radioed to reinforce him.

一种数字无线电话传道输送技术。Time Division Multiple Access a digital wireless telephony transmission technique.

当他们意识到这些时,其中的一个消防员就通过无线电话把消息通知城里。When they realized this, one of the firemen sent a message back to the town by radio.

然后他们通过无线电话向远在24万英里外的当时总统理查德·尼克松通话。They then talked by radiophone 240, 000 miles away to then-President Richard M. Nixon.

本发明涉及到提供无线电话网中的鉴别方法。The invention relates to a method of providing authentication in a radiotelephone network.

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这无线电话内置的多项创先设计,使其极为方便易用。Cutting-edge designs incorporated in this mobile phone have made it extremely user-friendly.

分析家表示,主要的无线电话公司为期两周的罢工可能使该数字有所歪曲。Analysts say a two-week strike by a major wireless phone company may have skewed the numbers.

移动电话,便携电话,呼叫器,无线电话。高频通讯类产品。全球定位系统等。Mobile phone, portable phones, cordless phones, pagers, & High Freq. Commumication Products GPS.

这个装置包含了一个无线电话电路,全球定位系统单元,一个扬声器和一个喇叭。The device includes a cellphone circuit, a GPS positioning unit, and a microphone and loudspeaker.

像最初的SCR536手持式无线电话,曾使我们的士兵摆脱了战场上电话线路的束缚。Like the original SCR 536 hand-held wireless radio, which cut our boys loose from the wires of war.

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全世界超过三分之一的无线电话网络供应商是泰乐公司的客户。More than one-third of the world's wireless calls are made on networks owned by Tellabs' customers.

尼古拉·特斯拉发明的一种最早的无线电话使用的即是辐射能。One of the earliest wireless telephones to be based on radiant energy was invented by Nikola Tesla.

20世纪60年代初期,凭借其在电信行业的业务关系,它开始涉足早期的无线电话领域。In the early 1960s, thanks to its telecom connections, it began to dabble in early radio telephones.