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这些过滤器是灰尘和花粉的“吸铁石”。These filters are dust and pollen magnets.

一般来说,湿布是一块绝妙的灰尘吸铁石。The dampened cloth makes a great dirt magnet.

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杯垫有小吸铁石可以吸住勺子。Coaster has a small magnet can attract the love spoon.

通过实验探索发现吸铁石吸铁的特性。Xitie Dan found through experiments to explore the absorption of iron.

有一天我们可能会造出能指向任何方向的吸铁石。Someday we may discover how to make magnets that can point in any direction.

这些资源是你的呼叫卡,同时也是你吸收同道中人的吸铁石。These resources are your calling card, these resources are your recruiting tool.

更换空调通风口的过滤器。这些过滤器是灰尘和花粉的“吸铁石”。Change the filters on your air-conditioning vents. These filters are dust and pollen magnets.

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当你真正有充足的理由自信时,自信会像阳光一样从你的身上散发出来,像吸铁石一样把成功吸引到身边。When you're truly and justifiably confident, it radiates from you like sunlight, and attracts success to you like magnet.

思想形态可以被比作吸铁石,吸引来某个特定经历走下显化层而进入到物质生活之中。Thought-form can be likened to a magnet that draws a particular experience down the manifestation planes into physicality.

让孩子用把柄上戏有绳子的扫帚,绳子的另一头还系有块吸铁石,向钓鱼一样的去吸图形卡片。Have the children fish for shapes using a broom with a string tied around the handle and a magnet on the end of the string.

在财富的堆砌下,美国变成一个超级的大吸铁石,第一流的技术人才都投效美国。The accumulation wealth has made America became a fantastic magnet. The best talent in technology all gravitated to the States.

通过转移你的注意力,以及你的思想、对自己想要之物的感觉,你将像一块拥有巨大能量的吸铁石一般,用引力吸引到自己所想之物。By focusing your attention, with your thoughts and feelings on what you want, you will attract with your gravitational pull like a powerful magnet.

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我从一个在校生那里听说,她对全校的师生来说就像一块吸铁石,一个沟通交流的大师,一个充满了魅力和激情的女人。I heard from the returning students she was such a magnet to faculty and students alike, a master of communications, and a lady of charisma and passion.

自信是成功的关键。当你真正有充足的理由自信时,自信会像阳光一样从你的身上散发出来,像吸铁石一样把成功吸引到身边。Nothing succeeds like confidence. When you're truly and justifiably confident, it radiates from you like sunlight, and attracts success to you like magnet.

教育是关注细枝末节的,但它的每个细节都应当象细碎的铁丝被一块吸铁石所吸引一样指向它的基本理念和价值观。Education is concerned about details. However, all its details should lead to its basic ideals and philosophy as bits of iron are attracted by a huge magnet.

第二天我们在罗马参观了特里维喷泉,旁边瘦高的塞内加尔人着兜售仿冒的LV包,旁边的小贩们推车售卖便宜的吸铁石和镇纸。In Rome the next day, we stopped at the Trevi Fountain, where tall Senegalese men were selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton bags and venders tended carts offering cheap magnets and paperweights.