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对案件提起公诉的地方检察官。The district attorney prosecuting the case.

公诉变更是公诉权的一项重要权能。It is an important part of public prosecution power.

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Grant先生对他提起公诉并最终看到他被处死。Mr Grant prosecuted him and watched him put to death.

由此可见,这些公司有可能面临集体法律公诉。As such, they are likely to face class-action law suits.

公诉方表示,谷歌没有及时删除这些视频。Prosecutors say Google was too slow to remove the video.

在这宗大案中,其夫人和儿子也被提起了公诉。His wife and son were also indicted in the sweeping case.

如公诉部门案子多、负担重、压力大,监督力不从心。Some departments have big burden, others are more leisurely.

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公诉方掌握的材料,我们不太清楚。The prosecution master the material, we did not quite clear.

刑事公诉权是检察权的核心内容。The key contents of procuratorial power is criminal suit power.

这一决定是于去年11月做出,只是现在才公诉于众。The ruling was made in November, but it's only now been made public.

首先是对我国反垄断民事公诉的一般分析。First, making a general analysis on anti-monopoly civil public appeal.

被告方和公诉方都可以对初审法院的判决提出上诉。Either the defense or the prosecution may appeal rulings of the trial court.

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民事公诉权有其特殊性,不应该笼统地归于检察机关的法律监督职权范围。The power of public prosecuting is not part of the power of law supervision.

关于该纵火嫌疑人的调查仍在继续,是否会对其提出公诉还未可知。The investigation continues and it's not yet known if the man will be charged.

最终,巴尼特的司法部威胁要对谷歌提起公诉,除非它放弃那项协议。Ultimately, Barnett's DOJ threatened to sue Google unless it dropped the deal.

此类指控需要独立调查——并且,如必要,还将提起公诉。Such charges need to be investigated independently—and prosecuted if necessary.

在英国,检察总长在某些案件中代表王室进行公诉。In Great Britain, the Attorney General prosecutes for the Grown in certain cases.

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公诉机关指控的犯罪事实清楚,证据充分,罪名成立。Prosecutor accused of criminal facts are clear and sufficient evidence, convicted.

公诉人公诉方声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内。The prosecution alleged that the accused be In the house when the crime be commit.

公诉官这个星期开始了对伯吉的指控的一项初级调查。The public prosecutor this week opened a preliminary inquiry into Mr Bourgi's charges.