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我是那种从一而终的男人。I am a one-woman kind of man.

我是那种从一而终的女人。I am the one-man kinda woman.

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我是那种从一而终的男人.I am the one-woman kinda man.

他是从一而终的男人。He is the one-woman kinda man.

选择榜样“从一而终”不可取。Choose a model, "single-mindedness" undesirable.

没有人可以重新长出手指,骨头的使用也是从一而终。Nobody can outgrow a cutted finger, so are our bones.

瞒骗也许可以得手于一时,但唯有从一而终诚实以对,才是为人处事的最佳上策。Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.

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她是一位忠实的妻子,坚信从一而终的信念。She is a devoted wife , holding the belief that she should be loyal to her husband.

我总感觉身上流淌这一种叛逆的血液,他肯定执着,从一而终。I always feel I have the blood of rebellion in my body. He must be tenacious and loyal.

难过的是,我真的无法做到从一而终,在乎的人有太多。Sadly, I really can not do single-mindedness, there are too many people who care about.

中国封建社会中,离婚是男人的自由,女人只能从一而终。China's feudal society, the divorce is a man's freedom, women can only be single-mindedness.

从一而终的严格要求自己,务实对待工作,诚信服务客户。Single-mindedness of the strict demands on themselves, pragmatic attitude towards work, honest customer service.

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当然,婚姻并不总是快乐的,但这几对长期以来一直保持着不离不弃的婚姻关系─而且从一而终。OK, maybe it wasn't always bliss. But each of them has stayed married -- to the same person -- for a very long time.

球员们地动作如今将愈加复杂,不会再有和本来那样,从一而终地简单动作啦。The players will now be more complex movements would no longer have the original, as the simple act of a single-mindedness.

他的妻子甚至发出威胁,如果他再不洗澡就拒绝和他睡在一起。不过后来她妥协了,坚持认为她应该对他从一而终。His wife even threatened to stop sleeping with him if he didn't bath. She gave in later, insisting she should be loyal to him.

我不认为我能成为旗帜性的球员,我认为一支球队的旗帜性球员应该是职业生涯在这支球队里从一而终。I don't consider myself as a flag player. I think the flag of the team is a player who started his career in that team and ends it there too.

在贝克汉姆离开曼联展翅翱翔成为全球明星的时候,斯科尔斯和吉格斯则远离镁光灯最后成为了从一而终的俱乐部传奇。While Beckham eventually flew the nest and became a global brand, Scholes and Giggs shied away from the limelight and became one-club wonders.

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如今,各地的男人们都选择在情人节那天单膝下跪求婚,表达自己的爱意,以及愿意从一而终的决心。All over the country today--Valentine's Day--men are down on bended knee proposing marriage. They will speak of love and affection and devotion.

虞姬最后一次为霸王斟酒,最后一次为霸王舞剑,而后拔剑自刎,从一而终。For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King, and danced for him with a sword, and cut her throat with it, faithful to the King unto death.

看书,可以博览,可以细嚼,没有人会怪你喜新厌旧,也没有人要求你从一而终。Books can be read cursorily, or chewed and digested. None will ever call you fickle-minded, and none will ever demand that you be constant in your affection.