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数据结构的排外性。Exclusivity of data structures.

他求助于这个国家的排外主义。He appealed to his country's nativism.

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使用在玻璃中的三氧化二锑为排外,在2011前仍可以使用。As to Sb2O3, it's an exemption to use in glass by 2011.

我遇到的阿富汗人既不排外,也不好战。The Afghans I met were neither xenophobic nor bellicose.

苹果就是一个排外的团体,但是他们并没有觉得有什么不好。Apple is an exclusive club and they pick no bones about it.

过期妊娠需排外巨大儿的发生。Macrosomia should be suspected in all postdates gestations.

没有隐藏,我是一个无能的文学排外。There was no hiding it -- I was a clueless literary xenophobe.

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只要是沾上灵性和宗教的东西我都排外。I was closed to anything that smacked of spirituality and religion.

应当注意到,不同的机制并不完全是排外的。It should be noted that the various mechanisms are not at all exclusive.

北京受访者选择“排外”的比例最大,上海受访者抱怨当地“势利眼”的最多。" Snobbish " was the word for Shanghai among most of the local respondents.

我有排外思想,正嫉妒地嘲笑这一想法!My xenophobic and argumentative Desi Bhais scorn this idea in jealousy ! ! !

当非chiariI型畸形的病人发现脊髓空洞时,通常需要排外恶性肿瘤。Always exclude malignancy when a syrinx is identified in the non-Chiari I patient.

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仅凭经济实力不足以克服G7和G8的排外性。The exclusive nature of the G7 and G8 cannot be overcome just with economic power.

古代宗教的特点之一,就是人们并不排外。And this is part of what ancient religion was like, is that people were not exclusive.

诚实一点,承认你用Linux的其中一个原因就是正是因为它是排外的。Be truthful and admit that one of the reasons you use Linux is because it’s exclusive.

这里有中央圣马丁艺术设计学院,我也很想去那里,但是那里非常排外。There's Central Saint Martin's, the one that I'd love to go to, but it's very cliquey,

当排外性失败的时候,它会限制讨论,限制人们表达零星的思考并激怒局外人。When it fails, it limits discussion, reinforces small thinkingand enrages the outsiders.

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那些把这本书看作是不假掩饰的排外主义作品的评论家们忽略了一个关键问题。Critics who branded the book as a work of undisguised nativism missed an essential point.

从此也消除了我对上海人欺生和排外的成见。This also eliminates the I in Shanghai people cheat strangers and xenophobic stereotypes.

究其原因,他解释说,是感觉到该网站比过去更为封闭且排外了。The reason, he explains, is that the site feels more insular and exclusive than in the past.