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籽粒中只有GS1同工酶的表达。Only GS1 isozyme expresses in the grain.

灌浆速度快,后期熟期好,籽粒饱满。Grouting speed, later period, ripe grain full.

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OSR结构功能的丢失会导致形成长的籽粒。Loss of function of OSR results in long grain.

野生型等位基因对应形成中等长度的籽粒。The wild-type allele corresponds to medium grain.

小麦胚芽油是从细菌中提取的小麦籽粒。Oil "is" extracted from wheat germ bacteria of wheat.

花后籽粒含水量则不断下降。Grain water content declined continuously after anthesis.

IAA还可能有提高籽粒中ABA含量的作用。IAA might have positive effect on the change of ABA level.

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施氮后籽粒产量极显著增加。Nitrogen fertilization increased grain yield significantly.

鼓粒期干物重与籽粒产量呈显著正相关。Dry matter weight of fulling period was correlated with yield.

赖氨酸和苏氨酸为小麦籽粒限制性氨基酸。Lysine and threonine are limiting amino acids in wheat protein.

有限度的水分亏缺,有利于同化物向籽粒调运。Limited water deficient benefit assimilate transporting to seeds.

种植青贮玉米最适宜收获时期是在玉米籽粒乳熟期。The most suitable harvesting period was milk stage as silage maize.

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种子硬度与籽粒大小的相关性不显著。There was no positive correlation between seed hardness and aril size.

粒位间比较,中下部籽粒各项指标均高于上部籽粒。Every index of middle-basal kernel was higher than that of apical kernel.

结果表明,采用籽粒∶穗轴为3∶10的培养方式较好。The result was showed that the model of kernel∶ cob as 3∶10 was the best.

甜质型玉米籽粒可以积累较多的糖,而且籽粒中WSP的含量明显高于其它类型玉米。The sugar and WSP content are higher in sweet corn grain than other types.

花后干旱和渍水均显著降低了小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质产量。Both drought and waterlogging stress reduced grain yield and protein yield.

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建立了割前脱联合收割机摘脱割台脱出物籽粒运动方程数学模型。The threshed materials grain motion math model is established in the paper.

运转到籽粒中的光合产物最初以蔗糖的形式存在。Photosynthate transported into grain exists in the form of sucrose at first.

春玉米籽粒淀粉组分吐丝后呈单峰曲线变化。Spring maize grain starch content changed as a single peak curve after silking.