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诗意的流泪,空城,一个男人。Poetry tears, empty city, a man.

温暖才是诗意的本质。That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.

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你不理解生活的诗意。You don't understand the poetry of life.

我把生命的哨子诗意地吹响。I blew the whistle of my life poetically.

用无数诗意的辞藻轻呼他名字Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme

可能这就是当诗意与数学相会?Maybe this is where poetry meets mathematics?

人生被富有诗意地比喻为朝露。Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.

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江南的蓑衣飘扬在诗意中。Coir raincoat of the south dances in the poetry.

卡达是一个赋有诗意的青年艺术家。Kada is a young artist full of lyric intentions.

游观是诗意化人生之实践活动。Traveling is a significant part of a poet's life.

楠竹,一个好听的名字,一个富有诗意的处所.。Nanzhu, a very pleasant name, a very poetic place.

在我疲倦的时候可以停下来诗意地栖居。At a time when I tired to stop dwelling poetically.

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作者弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德,一位充满诗意的作家。Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.

在陈染文本中,处处可见她的艺术心境和诗意表达。The expression of art mind and poesy in her novels.

图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.

这是一个充满诗意的穿越星星和太阳的爱情故事。This is a poetic love story of star -crossed lovers.

美在非现实性,美就是诗意栖居。Beauty is non-reality. It is being of poetic quality.

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淡水黄昏带诗意,夜雾罩四边。Poetical twilight of Tamsui is shrouding in the mist.

去繁就简,但不移除诗意。Pare down to the essence, but don’t remove the poetry.

水给喧闹的城市注入自然的生机与诗意。Water injects natural life and poesy into a noisy city.