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我们记得斑斑的血渍。We remember a blood stain.

现场有一把染有血渍的斧头。A bloodstained axe was found at the scene.

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去除血渍、酒渍和汗渍Remove blood, wine and perspiration stains

地板上的血渍已消失不见了。The blood stains have been sponged out of the floor.

这类污渍常见血渍,奶渍等。This kind of besmirch, milk shakes waltheof common etc.

一个出租车司机在晚间的某一时刻看到了他们血渍呼啦的堆在一起。A cab driver found them sometime during the night in a mangled heap.

太多我们的兄弟,血渍一点也没有。反复所有人到山上去遁藏。Too much of our brothers" blood has been spilt. Retreat to the hills."

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当钥匙这面的血渍没有了,另外一面的血渍又出现了。when the blood was gone off from one side, it came again on the other.

让你走?我想如果你的生命以变成血渍而结束就有点可惜了。Let you go? But it'd be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain.

目的检测常规经手刷清洗后的手术器械有无残留血渍。OBJECTIVE To check the residue of surgical instruments after manual washing.

她看起来很疲惫,头发散乱,衣服上沾满了泥巴和血渍。She looked tired and dishevelled, her clothes were stained with mud and blood.

死者的潜水镜,还有成片的暗黑血渍仍然漂浮在海水中。His diving goggles and a dark patch of blood were all that remained in the water.

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在潮湿的切菜板上有几块血渍,边上沾着粘糊糊红色的风干的面粉。On the wet chopping board, a few bloody shreds, seasoned flour with a red sticky edge.

这种方法对清洗血渍也十分有效,同时还可以去除衣服上的异味。This is also quite effective for removing blood and it helps to deodorize smelly clothes.

它张开了血盆大口,我看见一排泛黄且带有血渍的尖牙。Its mouth yawned wide, and I saw rows of sharpened teeth, yellowed and stained with blood.

喉咙那里完全被撕裂了,留下一滩还没有完全凝固的血渍。From the throat, dreadfully lacerated, had issued a pool of blood not yet entirely coagulated.

蓝胡子非常关注地审视了钥匙,对他的老婆说,“这钥匙上的血渍是打哪里来的?”Bluebeard, having very attentively considered it, said to his wife, "How comes this blood upon the key?

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人们给那个伤员看了看他那条被截去的、沾满血渍的、还穿着靴子的腿。They showed the wounded man the leg that had been amputated, wearing a boot, and covered with dry gore.

如果沾有咖啡、果汁及血渍等,应送专门洗涤店洗涤。If there are coffee stains, juice stains or blood, please send sweaters to the professional laundry shop.

那痛苦的“M”字体造型,还有如血渍斑斑的铁锈效果,就像从海啸遇难者中搬过来的一个实体,看上去真让人心如刀割。The work seems a real victim in the Tsunami for its shape of the miserable "M" and the blood-looking rust.