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三北防护林带是一项造林事业。The Three North Shelterbelt is a forestation undertaking.

东北要振兴,“三北”防护林工程怎么办?。What to do in vitalization of Northeast, Three North Project!

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是全国五十强企业,三北种子,效益高!The national top fifty companies, the three northern seed-effective!

风资源丰富的“三北地区”电网相对薄弱,风电远离负荷中心。Power grid is weak in 3N areas, wind power is far away from load center.

在三北地区已形成完善的销售及服务网络。Has formed the perfect sale and the service network in the three norths area.

三北洋军士兵站在附近的囚犯,为他们的队长的命令,亨等着他。Three soldiers of the northern army stood near the prisoner, waiting for their captain's orders to hang him.

后一八六七年,英殖之三北美地结盟,加成联邦自治领。In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada became a federal dominion.

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行走式节水灌溉技术的出现,为我国三北干旱地区的粮食生产提供了有力保障。The self-propelled water-saving irrigation technology offers the potent guarantee for the food production in arid region.

“三北”和长江中下游地区等重点防护林建设工程。Key Shelterbelt Construction Program in North, Northeast and Northwest China and the Lower-Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River.

“三北”地区三分之一县的农业生态环境开始趋向良性循环。The agricultural eco-environment in one third of the counties covered by the 'three norths' project has entered a benign circle.

建设节约型社会对三北防护林体系建设提出了更高的要求。To establish a resources-saving society has made still greater demands on the construction of the Three-North Shelterbelt System.

内蒙古自治区横跨“三北”,邻近京津,境内民族众多,资源丰富,是我国北疆的天然生态屏障。Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is situated in the "ThreeNoth", Which consists of many nationalities and has abundance resources.

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我国幅员辽阔,广大的三北地区和东南沿海地区蕴藏着大量优质的风能资源。China has a vast area, there are plenty of high-quality wind energy resources in three northern regions and south-east coastal region.

每逢农历三月初三北帝诞,这里都会聚集荔湾各乡的人士,举行规模盛大的庙会活动。On the 3rd day of the 3rd month on the Chinese calendar, a grand temple fair was held here to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Zhenwu.

并以“三北”地区最具有代表性的青藏铁路二期工程环境背景为实例,提出低负温混凝土耐久性设计原则。Based on these learning, the foundational way and technique approach to durability design of negative temperature concrete are accomplished.

陕西三北防护林体系建设工程是国家在陕实施的六大林业重点工程之一。Shaanxi Provincial "Three-North Protection Forest System" development was one of the Six Key Forestry Programs in Shaanxi implemented by the State.

并以“三北”地区最具有代表性的青藏铁路二期工程环境背景为实例,提出低负温混凝土耐久性设计原则。By means of the example Qing-Zang railway engineering which possesses representative token in the 'three north'region, the durability project was made.

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重庆市“三北”区域在长江上游经济带和重庆市的战略发展中起着增长极的重要作用。The "three north" area has been playing an important role in the strategic development of the upper Yangtze River economic belt and Chongqing municipality.

新形势下的荒漠化防治要求三北防护林体系工程必须发生相应的转型,这种转型应以解决三大矛盾冲突入手。New situation of Chinese desertification demands transformat ion of the Three-North Forest Shelterbelt Program, which should solve the conf li ctions firstly.

自三北防护林体系工程建设以来,陕西省生态环境建设取得了巨大的社会效益和经济效益。Since project of system of 3 north shelter-forest , shaanxi saved zoology environment construction to obtain enormous social beneficial result and economic benefits.