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这样的延宕或许不完全是坏事。This delay may not be an entirely bad thing.

如何表征那种被不断延宕的现实?How do we represent the constantly temporalized reality?

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一个行政上的小问题延宕了这笔房地产买卖。An administrative hitch delayed the sale of the property.

这两个因素造成科学实地研究延宕了近20年。These two factors delayed scientific field studies for nearly 20 years.

公司高管在危机中的延宕促使董事会奋起行动。Procrastination at the top during a crisis antagonized the board of directors.

很多人说,经济刺激的推进延宕了环保的议事进程。The push to stimulate the economy, many say, has undercut the environmental agenda.

几发火箭击中了机场的停机坪,战斗使开放机场设施的计划一再延宕。Several rockets hit the airport tarmac and the fighting delayed plans to re-open the facility.

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本公司保存破除此订单或圮绝任何延宕的货物的权益。Our company will reserve the right to cancel this order or reject the goods for any lingested landing.

零星偶发的战事延宕这饱受战争摧残的国家的和平进程。The sporadic skirmishes taking place from time to time halt the peace progress in the war-stricken country.

欲望之旅和延宕叙事是铁凝后期小说的两大魅力之源。Tie Ning slater novels are characterized by the exposition of peoples desire and the employment of delayed narration.

因都市设计或建筑执照审查延宕,致无法于规定期限内开工者。Failure to start construction within specified time limit due to delay in examination of urban design or building permit.

"我们希望延宕只是短期的,"绿色和平组织在中国的项目总监施鹏翔说。“We expect the effect of the slowdown to be short-term, ” said Sze Pang Cheung, campaign director for Greenpeace in China.

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到无可延宕时,即隐瞒土地实数,或自据肥田,把瘠田让人。When no further delay was possible, they concealed their actual holdings, or retained the good land and gave up the poor land.

政府必须警惕,处理卢维思案的延宕与欠缺合理解释,会助长卸责文化的滋生。The government ought to see that the unjustified delay in the Rowse case may encourage officials to avoid taking responsibility.

依赖模式的护理教育,僵化护生思考,延宕护理人员从新手到专家的成长机会。The current overdependence on traditional nursing education models, which hinders student nurse originality and delays staff nurse growth.

性格过于内向、审慎及单枪匹马的处境,使他感到犹豫,造成他行动上的延宕。Hamlet's character is too introversive, in addition, he is too careful and single-hand, which make him hesitates so as to delay his action.

在希腊和国际贷款者谈判暂停后,希腊财政部长誓言加快受到延宕的国企民营化和结构改革步伐.Greece's finance minister pledged to speed up delayed privatizations and structural reforms, following the suspension of talks with its lenders.

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我认为,将此养成一种日常的习惯一定会对全面降低因循延宕非常奏效而且还可以产生激励和提高生产力。I think that developing this into a daily habit could be very useful to reduce procrastination overall and to raise motivation and productivity.

在二00三年「哥伦比亚号」太空梭欲重新进入地球大气层时失事炸毁后,国际太空站的后续工事一度延宕了两年之久。The destruction of the space shuttle Columbia in 2003 as it attempted to re-enter Earth's atmosphere once delayed work on the ISS for two years.

地震灾情看似瘫痪了海地政府,也让行政单位遭到灾区清理延宕、决策举棋不定的指控。The devastation caused by the earthquake appeared to paralyze authorities, leading to accusations of indecision and delay when it came to clean-up operations.