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直到1869年这本册子才在俄国出现。It did not appear in Russian until 1869.

我也可以要那多用途汽车的册子吗?C︰ Can I have a brochure for the MPV too?

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于是我捡起了那本册子,仔细读过。So I picked up the pamphlet and read it through.

1848年法国革命者们根本没看到过这本册子。The French revolutionaries of 1848 never saw it.

作者告诉我他“感到被迫着”要写那个册子。The author tells me that he "felt impelled" to write it.

想象一下你在阅读本册子时你的子女不久人世。Imagine one of your children dying as you read this leaflet.

你们的宣传册子和推销邮件也都没有说明这一点。And the brochure and your promotional mailings do not mention that.

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宠物旅行小贴士的册子在各个候机楼里都有放置。Brochures with pet travel tips are located throughout the terminal.

他在一个皮革精装的册子了图文说明了他的发现。He wrote down and illustrated his findings in a leather-bound tome.

如果你在赠券的有效期内做了册子上的事情你将会得到荣誉。You have to be prepared to honor the coupons at anytime otherwise it won’t work.

我有一份册子收集著我从小看过节目的节目单。I have a collection of Playbills from all the plays I've seen since I was a teenager.

会议组织者将全部会议文件结集,编写了一本厚达750页的大册子。Its organisers produced a slick 750-page volume that included all the conference papers.

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我们最伟大的功课通常源自痛苦的经验,圣经告诉我们,神把我们的眼泪记在册子上。Our greatest lessons come out of pain, and the Bible says God keeps a record of our tears.

“排除净化你体内的脂肪”是我最近捡到的一本小册子上的标题。"Detox and cleanse away your body fat" was the headline of one pamphlet I picked up recently.

印一本册子,在朋友中广为赠阅,签名留念,除了炫耀还会为了什么。What it is to print a brochure, gifting many friends and signing for recalling, besides swanking.

我翻了翻册子,很确定,根据我的数据,伯灵顿现在的走势正是它通常情况下要涨之前的样子。Sure enough, Burlington, according to my figuring, was acting as it usually did before it went up.

根据保罗在第9-13节中对这一问题的处理,你认为这个“寡妇册子”是什么?Based on Paul's treatment of this matter in verses 9-13, what do you think this "widows' list" was?

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这本轧辊失效的册子将有助于将来解释和防止类似情况发生。This catalogue of roll failures should help to describe and to prevent similar damage in the future.

笔者个人的单词量是在高中时积累下来的,当时所能见到的所有单词都被记录在数个小册子上。My personal vocabulary is accumulated in high school , then all words are recorded in several booklet.

不过当下,他似乎对推销自己的关于否认全球变暖的册子更感兴趣。But it appears he is currently more interested in selling copies of his tract on global warming denial.