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这位老板继续说道,“那样顾客们就不会向家里泄愤。”"That way they won't let it out on their family, " he said.

画面中一个男人很挫败地对着一堵墙泄愤。In this picture a man is frustrated and is angry with a wall.

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因此,这只是一个小得不能再小的风波而已。看来你得找个别的事儿去泄泄愤了。You'll just have to find something else to get worked up about today.

在银行业崩溃之后,群情激奋的民众一直都很想泄愤。After the bank debacle, a torch-and-pitchfork mob has been looking for vengeance.

温格所谓的点球是“老特拉福德式的”实际上是毫无必要的泄愤之词。Wenger's view that the penalty had been "Old Traffordish" was unnecessarily waspish.

安琪为泄愤,欲开车撞死欣儿,却误撞孙浩致使他残疾。Angela feel to drive for, killed by a hin son, ended SunHao causes him to hit disability.

抱怨自己的生活几乎成了一件愉快的事情,有时甚至成了泄愤的途径。It’s almost a pleasurable thing – complaining about your life. It’s sometimes even cathartic.

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补时阶段,卡瓦略领取不必要的黄牌,他在对方获得任意球时将球踢飞泄愤。In stoppage time, Carvalho picked up a needless booking, tetchily kicking the ball away at a free-kick.

在互联网时代之前,男人被甩后会对着前女友的照片掷飞镖,以此泄愤。In the pre-Internet age, the dumped boyfriend may have expressed his anger by throwing darts at her photo.

他否认谋杀罪,说他相信受害者已经死了他只是在尸体上泄愤。He denied murder, saying he believed the victim was already dead and he was taking out his anger on a corpse.

在互联网时代之前,汉子被甩后可能会对着前女友的相片掷暗器,以资泄愤。In the pre-Internet age, the dumped boyfriend may have expressed hellos anger by throwing darts at her photo.

其创作或者是抒怀泄愤的自我安抚,或者是阿谀媚主的进身之阶。Their creativity and poetry to vent their anger or self-comfort, or flattery-mei into the body of the Lord's order.

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因为梦妍不屈服,志涛被激怒逼迫梦妍穿上女仆装,继而狠揍梦妍泄愤。Because the dream shes not to yield, Chi Tao was forced to wear a dream shes angered a maid, and then give out the dream.

有些人认为,他是他母亲对阿蒙泄愤的工具,他是溺爱一个美貌妻子的丈夫。There are those who regard him as the creature of his mother's hatred of ammon and the uxorious spouse of a beautiful wife.

经过初步调查,警方发现是教练和队员们为了隐瞒泄愤打人的罪行而栽赃给霍瑞斯。After a preliminary investigation, police found to be coaches and players feel the beating to hide HuoRuiSi plant to crimes.

西斯克里夫试图装扮得时髦一点来取悦她,但她却表现的很冷漠,于是他朝埃德加丢果酱泄愤。She acts aloof from Heathcliff who briefly tries to smarten himself up to impress her but fails, throwing apple sauce over Edgar.

但系当比赛结束既哨声响起个时,人体既肾上腺依然亢奋并且经理人都只不过系太过激动,而急于泄愤,或者抒情。But when the final whistle sounds, the adrenalin still runs high and managers are only too eager to vent their fury or wax lyrical.

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在Geary泄愤完毕后,他将Lincoln拖过一条灯光朦胧的走道,把他锁进一间禁闭室里,那牢门是全金属制的。After Geary exacts his revenge, he drags Lincoln into a dimly lit corridor towards an isolated cell and locks him behind a forbidding metal door.

当他得到钱后,他就向被劫的女性道歉,说知道自己这样的行为是不对的,要求她们向他吐口水泄愤。After taking money, the man would apologise, say he knew he was doing something bad and ask the women to spit at him, Blanco said. Some did, he added.

我觉得,这是因为沉船的损失使他心烦意乱,想在我身上泄愤。事实上,他根本没有权利对我大发脾气。This indeed was, as I said, an Excursion of his Spirits which were yet agitated by the Sense of his Loss, and was farther than he could have Authority to go.