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啊!在祈福中,苏醒。And oh! when on the blest, reviving.

离开到祈福圣子之时。Gone back in time to bless the child.

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多少回我为即将到来的一天祈福。How often have I blest the coming day.

于是他把肉都吃了,并为我祈福。Then he ate the meat and he blessed me.

这次希望9.7正式发布时会修复吧。同时为巴顿祈福。Let's hope they fix it until 0.9.7 release.

她笑了,祈福保佑我,然后去继续查房了。She smiled, blessed me and carried on with her round.

是当时部队在临战或特定节日的祭祀、祈福的形式。In old times, Junnuo was a kind of fete before battles.

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像一只祈福的铜铃叮铃铃地挂在飞檐。Resided there like an auspicious bell on the flying eave.

那麽我们一同来为天下苍生祈福吧!Then we pray together to the common people for the world now!

我们看到那边双手合十虔诚的女子就是太平公主了,她正在为母亲祈福。We see the hands holy woman is princess, she is praying for mother.

如果迴逈消灾祈福多名亲友请分别填写不同表格。If you wish to dedicate more than one name, please use separate forms.

在教堂做礼拜时,她总是在祝祷词中为他祈福。When worshipping in the church, she always remembers him in her prayer.

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营友将写上愿望的宝碟,抛上北潭涌渡假营的「新春祈福许愿树」上。Campers' wishes were hung on a Wishing Tree in Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp.

古时候人们放爆竹是为了驱邪祈福,祈求来年平安如意。In ancient times people firecrackers to rid blessing and praying for peace.

它为拥有者祈福,并且给予他人许多快乐之道。It blesses its possessor , and gives a large amount of enjoyment to others.

自古至今,民间一直流行春节贴门神的风俗,以求祛邪辟恶、祈福纳吉。Door-god worship originated from nature and manitou worship in ancient times.

这些访客中,有些人还穿着僧人的长袍,他们一边默诵着祈福的佛经,一边踏进这间狭窄的砖房。Some wore monks' robes and offered blessings as they entered the tiny brick house.

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对佛教徒来说,环绕大小佛塔的尊佛,也被视为消灾祈福的象徵。For buddhists, circling the icons is a symbol of prosperity and delivery from disaster.

稍早前,教宗还在他传统性的平安夜训诫中,为世界和平祈福。Earlier, the Pope prayed for peace as he delivered his traditional Christmas Eve homily.

在安徽,含山中学的学生们点燃512盏许愿灯,哀悼逝者,为灾区祈福。At Hanshan Middle School in Anhui, students flew 512 lanterns to commemorate the victims.