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它的质量是等于重氢的质量。It has an atomic mass of two deuterium.

基于重氢的聚变反应堆在地球上被广泛使用。Deuterium-based fusion reactors enter widespread use on Earth.

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重氢是原子核中多一个中子的氢。A deuterium atom is a hydrogen with an extra neutron in its nucleus.

海水含有的重氢含量同样比地幔的重氢含量高。Ocean water does have more deuterium than water in the Earth's mantle.

具体而言,在彗星中,重氢,或者说是氘,以及氢的含量更高。Specifically, the ratio of heavy hydrogen, or deuterium, to regular hydrogen was too high in the comets.

研究表明,月球岩石中的水资源比地球水资源包含更多的重氢元素,意即月球水有可能来源于彗星。Moon rocks show that lunar water has more heavy hydrogen than does terrestrial water, indicating a cometary origin.

综述了芳杂环类多重氢键分子钳人工受体研究进展。This paper reviews the recent advance in heteroaromatic molecular tweezers involving multiple hydrogen-bonding sites.

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最流行的聚变做法是将两个氘原子结合在一起——氘是带有一个额外的中子的重氢。Most current fusion efforts look to combine two atoms of deuterium, a heavier version of hydrogen with an extra neutron.

融合重氢同位素需要大量能量,部分原因是因为原子核带正电并相互排斥。Fusing heavy hydrogen isotopes requires lots of energy, partly because the nuclei are positively charged and repel each other.

数据显示月球水比地球水包含更多的重氢元素,并与海尔波普彗星、百武彗星及哈雷彗星更为接近。They found deuterium at higher levels than it's found in Earth water—but at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake and Halley.

研究表明,月球岩石中的水资源比地球水资源包含更多的重氢元素,意即月球水有可能来源于彗星。Moon rocks show that lunar water has more heavy hydrogen than does terrestrial water, indicating a cometary origin. Christopher Intagliata reports The Apollo moon missions ended almost 40 years ago.