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七月的雨纷飞,漫天遍野。July fiercely, sky filled by the rain.

我会看见你在阳光里,我将听见你声音遍野。I'll see you in the sunlight. I'll hear your voice everywhere.

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天真无瑕的童年,遍野烂漫着野菊花般的芳香……Aroma of chrysanthemum is smelling everywhere in innocent childhood.

山谷处,果实飘香,山花遍野,满目皆是粉红的、白色的花的海洋。Valleys in which the fruit blossoms are fragrant, pink and white waters in a shallow sea.

成千上万条死亡的鲱鱼被海浪冲到了芝加哥港湾,而在加利福利亚洲的高速公路旁,有人发现了超过100只鸟类“横尸遍野”的惨象。Thousands of gizzard shad fish have been washed up on Chicago's harbours while more than 100 dead

陈尸遍野的平原,将军站在小山上,手持长矛,向部属讲话。From a hill above a corpse strewn plain a general speaking to his officers, leaned upon his spear.

中国依然是北朝鲜的主要盟国与最大的贸易伙伴,为这个饥稃遍野的国家提供食物与武器援助。China remains North Korea's key ally and biggest trading partner, providing the starving nation with food, as well as weapons.

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在某种程度上,首批远程图像尽管壮观肃穆,却掩盖了横尸遍野的痛苦和悲伤。In some ways, the first telephoto images, awesome though they were as spectacle, disguise the human toll of pain and distress.

什叶派教徒为了躲避村子附近的宗教冲突,在巴格达北部一个垃圾遍野的贫民窟找到了安身之处。Shiites who fled sectarian violence near their villages have found safety and shelter in a garbage-strewn slum north of Baghdad.

就这样伸出我的手掌,伸进无边的树林,穿透连绵的山川,舔舐到遍野的秋意,一直延伸。So put out my hand, into the forest of the endless, through the rolling mountains and rivers, licking to the abundance of autumn, extending.

犹大人到了俯瞰旷野的高岗上,观望大军,见伏尸遍野,没有一个逃脱的。When Judah came to the watchtower of the desert and looked toward the throng, they saw only corpses fallen on the ground, with no survivors.

像尽情怒放的山花,有梨花带泪的清雅,红桃点珠的妩媚,杜鹃遍野的烂漫。Enjoy mountain flowers in full bloom, like, there are pear tear of elegant, charming hearts points, beads, a brilliant rhododendrons everywhere.

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1月27日,摄影师在南极拍到了企鹅幼仔横尸遍野的情景,死亡原因不明。Emperor Penguin adults in mourning because of the death of their chicks in Antarctica on Jan, 27,2011. The reason of their deaths remains unknown.

加之,创伤后主体对过去的矛盾情感—过去是向往但也同时是创伤的来源—使得重返一途荆棘遍野。Besides, when the past serves as the site of both nostalgia and trauma, the return itself becomes ambivalent and even hazardous for the traumatized.

成千上万条死亡的鲱鱼被海浪冲到了芝加哥港湾,而在加利福利亚洲的高速公路旁,有人发现了超过100只鸟类“横尸遍野”的惨象。Thousands of gizzard shad fish have been washed up on Chicago's harbours while more than 100 dead birds have been found clustered on a California highway.

四月份的又一次没有降水,是这次旱灾的起始,不过暂时还不及2005年那场动物们横尸遍野的旱灾来得严重。The current drought, which began when the rains failed once again in April, is not yet as bad as the drought that came in 2005 and left this area littered with the corpses of animals.

在中国浩瀚的史籍中,常常用“饥民遍野”、“饿殍塞途”、“人相食”等描述灾害的直接后果。Chinese historical records at the vast, often with "hungry people everywhere", "die of hunger everywhere", " people as food" and so on to describe the direct consequences of disasters.

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白毛鬼发了狂,在皇宫内见到人就咬,整个皇宫内尸体遍野,崔折中终于放弃了,打算带着家当逃去清国。White ghost sent crazy MAO, inside the palace to see people bite, bodies everywhere throughout the whole palace, cui compromise finally gave up, going to qing with possessions to escape.