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我有祖传的秘方。I have a secret recipe.

本店是祖传推拿手法店。Our shop is the ancestral manipulation.

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窃贼偷了一些家庭的祖传遗产。The burglar steal some family heirloom.

这把刀是我家祖传下来的。This sword has been brought down in my family.

祖传的古堡,其幽灵使得胜的君王惊悸。Whose ghosts scare victor kings in their ancestral towers.

由于有些加入马戏团的人身怀祖传绝技。Due to some hereditary miracle in the people who joined the circus.

按照俺家祖传下来的规矩,在那天,俺要亲手把它给她带上。I would pull it on her hand in person because of the ancestral rules.

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迈耶一家世代名医,从医是他们的祖传。The Mayers have been distinguished doctors for generations. It runs in the blood.

我听说那个临床专家用一种被称作和和波罗波罗的夏威夷祖传治疗程序。I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono.

述者的朋友家里有一只祖传的黄金香炉,朋友的父亲将他藏在床底并且一直保密。The father of a friend has a gold censer, he always keeps it under the bed as a secret.

今年,她计划种她们家祖传的稀有蔬菜,在店里是买不到的。This year, she's planning to plant rare heirloom vegetables that you can't get in the store.

排在榜首的,是“有祖传财产的”、拥有6亿英镑财产的艾弗伯爵,30岁,吉尼斯酿酒业家族的首领。At the top, on --600m, is the "old money" Earl of Iveagh, 30, head of the Guinness brewing family.

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本文还对祖传单体型研究的意义及随机个体单体型分型的可能性进行了探讨。Moreover, the importance and the possibility of AH haplotyping of random individuals were discussed.

1920年,克利福和康士丹斯回到了克利福的祖传宅地勒格贝。This was in 1920. They returned, Clifford and Constance, to his home, Wragby Hall, the family 'seat'.

据老辈们讲,这是他家祖传的秘技,绝不传与外人。According to elders who say that this is his ancestral home of the BY, and outsiders will never Chuan.

例如,祖传番茄太脆弱而不能用船运送,所以商店货架上常常缺乏。Heirloom tomatoes, for example, are too delicate to be shipped and are often absent from store shelves.

我承认,为了获得真正的和平,要求我们放弃部分祖传的犹太故土。I recognise that in a genuine peace we'll be required to give up parts of the ancestral Jewish homeland.

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数百万只王蝶前往祖传的冬季栖息地——正在退缩的墨西哥冷杉林。Millions of monarch butterflies travel to ancestral winter roosts in Mexico's shrinking mountain fir forests.

它唤醒我们,在深藏的祖传直觉精神与大自然力量之间是有著某种联系的。Stonehenge evokes in us a connection between some deep ancestral intuitive soul and the power of nature around us.

正式服装是祖传的战斗衣服的百褶裙和刺绣背心,并且搭配上了钉子的木鞋。The official uniform is the ancestral combat gear of pleated skirts and embroidered waistcoats with pom-pom adored clogs.