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不要浪费了你的喷嚏。Don't waste your sneeze.

她打了一个很响的喷嚏。She let out a loud sneeze.

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喷嚏精一直在打着喷嚏。Sneezy sneezes all the time.

我们在干草堆里跳跃,喷嚏声如此响亮。We jump in hay and sneeze so loud

有人对着你的玫瑰打了个喷嚏怎么办?What if someone sneezes on your roses?

一个喷嚏,他的鼻涕喷到仪表盘上。He sneezed a wad of snot onto the dash.

还没来得及笑出来,我突然打了个喷嚏。And before I could even smile, I suddenly sneezed.

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但很快一个巨人撞了他们一下,打着喷嚏大骂起来。But soon a giant bumped into them, sneezed, and cursed.

爱丽丝费劲儿地对自己说,并不停地打着喷嚏。Alice said to herself, as well as she could for sneezing.

病毒通过喷嚏、咳嗽和说话等由飞沫传播。The virus can be spread to others by coughing and sneezing.

他身材超辣,我在偷偷看的时候他打了个喷嚏。He's super hot and as I was watching him change, he sneezed.

美国打个喷嚏,世界都着凉?When the United States sneezes, does the world catch a cold?

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挪开去,我需要一个地方先把我的喷嚏送出去。Just move away and I need a place to give away my sneeze first.

紫色的雾霭笼罩在谷堆上方,偶尔会使我们打个喷嚏。Sort of a purple haze over the Corn Belt. Makes us sneeze, as well.

病毒和细菌也可通过咳嗽或喷嚏在空气中产生的飞沫传播。They may also spread via air-borne droplets from a cough or sneeze.

我说我一小时前被抢了,他就对着我的脸打了个喷嚏。After I said I told him I was robbed an hour ago, he sneezed in my face.

如果他打了个喷嚏,他要求他的妈妈帮他写一张假条说他感冒了。If he sneezed, he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a cold.

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如果你用力打个喷嚏,那么,难以言状的疼痛会使你跪下来。If you sneeze too hard you'll be brought to your knees in blinding pain.

流浪狗打了好大一个喷嚏,将小辣椒一下打到了街对面。Stray dogs played a big sneeze, what will hit peppers across the street.

苍蝇又落到撒旦脸上。一个喷嚏,他的鼻涕喷到仪表盘上。The flies settled on Satan again. He sneezed a wad of snot onto the dash.