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他放慢马速,使之缓步而行。He slowed the horse to a walk.

那匹马跑了一大阵后慢下来缓步而行。The horse slowed to a walk after its long gallop.

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他双手插在口袋里缓步而行。He walked slowly, his hands buried in his pockets.

那匹老马一刻不停地缓步行进着。The old horse jogged along without a moment's stopping.

就在这时,老虎开始缓步向它的猎物走去。At that moment the tiger commenced ambling towards his victim.

握着我的手缓步走着,像孩童一般顾盼。Hold my hand and let's walk slowly, seeing everything as children.

接下来,你可以自由发挥画个停车标志或缓步标志或者红灯也可以。You can then draw free hand a stop sign, yield sign, or stop light.

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一勒马,飘身跃下马背,缓步走向酒肆。Stopped the horse, Pingzhi Lin jumped down and walked in the eatery.

科学家开始研究这种缓步类动物的不畏惧死亡超级强权背后的基因基础。The genome for a species of tardigrade was first sequenced last year.

他们跋涉在一条土路上,看见两个农民向他们缓步走来。They trudged down a dirt road, just as two farmers ambled toward them.

不过,轻松的掸掸灰尘,或者缓步走到巴士站,严格说起来不能算是运动。However, light dusting or meandering to the bus stop strictly did not count.

那两个男孩子缓步沿街向韦佛太太给比利的那个地址走去。The two boys ramble along the streets to the address Mrs. Weaverhasgiven Billy.

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不过,投资者的总体心态仍在缓步走向乐观.But the underlying mood among investors is still one of slowly developing optimism.

那时我在埃尔·普拉多大街上缓步走着,心想不知赫尔南多会怎样处理这笔钱呢?Now, walking slowly along EL Prado , I wonder what Hernando would do with the money.

沙威缓步离去,片刻后,他在布道修士街的街角拐了弯。Javert retreated slowly. A moment later he turned the corner of the Rue des Precheurs.

只是迟到了2个半小时,普京缓步走进来,显得很健康也很自信。Strolling in only two-and-a-half hours late, Mr Putin appeared fit, confident and relaxed.

我要期待,我缓步走下楼梯,期待掌声和欢呼声交随之而起。I waited for the laughter and applause that would follow as I walked slowly down the stairs.

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然后,他深吸了一口气,朝迷宫的右侧缓步跑去,跑向那片未知的领地。Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown.

在机门稳了许久才缓步走下舷梯,脚一踏上这块大地就有一种说不出的感觉在心里萦绕,是什么呢?A kind of unspeakable felling round in my mind linger once feet step on this earth. But what's it?

琳娜缓步走到桌旁把路线图从他的背后拿出来,放到了桌上。So, at the table, Leanna, who had been hiding her drawing behind her back, now put it on the table.