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我们先看了一部用英文译制的记录片。First we saw a documentary dubbed in English.

昨晚,我们看了一部用英文译制的记录片。Last night, we saw a movie dubbed in English.

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因为无法忍受译制影片?Because you can't stand films that are dubbed?

很多美国电影都被译制成了中文。A lot of American movies have been dubbed into Chinese.

上海电影译制厂成立于1957年,是新中国第一家译制外国影视片的专业电影厂。Shanghai Dubbing Studio, which was established in1957, is the first professional dubbing studio in China.

选择一个能对数据进行编码译制和防泄漏保护的程序供应商,能够保障业主数据的安全。By choosing a provider that encrypts data and provides data-leak prevention, business owners can be sure their data is secure.

近年来,鉴于说明书的重要性被人们所认识,越来越多的企业开始重视产品说明书的译制工作。In recent years, in view of the importance of instructions, more and more companies have already taken the instruction translation seriously.

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如何发展译制业是关系到国家文化安全的重大课题。Thus the development of China's national industry of translation-&-dubbing is an issue of last importance concerning the security of national culture.

报告分析认为,盗版漫画的译制、上传及网站运营如今在很多国家都呈现“组织化”和“商业化”迹象。Report analysis, dubbed pirated comics, upload and website operators in many countries are now showing "organization" and "commercialization" of evidence.

译制片得到了中国广大观众的喜爱,电影译制也成了中国电影界的一门艺术,然而与之不相符的是在翻译界至今尚未形成有关电影翻译成熟的翻译理论。On the other hand, dubbed movies have gained increasing popularity among Chinese audience and the art of dubbing has developed into a special art in China.

反之,译制粗糙、晦涩难懂、未做好本地化工作的说明书只会降低消费者的满意度,损毁企业形象。Otherwise, a poor-localized instruction translation with incorrect and obscure information will arouse consumers' complaints and damage the reputation of the company.

并摄制电视剧33部、电视专题片36部,汉语译制故事片54部、汉语译制军教片140部,外语译制纪录片32部。And produced TV series 33, 36 television and feature films, 54 feature films dubbed in Chinese, Chinese military themes 140 dubbed, dubbed foreign language documentary 32.

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上海电影译制厂人才济济,群英荟萃,拥有乔榛、建华、自荣等一批深受观众喜爱的著名艺术家和技艺超群的技术人员。Shanghai Dubbing Studio has a group of experienced professionals and technology specialists, and artists like Qiao Zhen, Din Jianhua, and Tong Zirong who are loved by the public.